Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Managing THE MENOPAUSE Symptom

All women at some time in her life, and if they live long enough, will experience the decrease of her hormone production. The levels will drop below those required to continue her menstrual periods. This decline is called menopause and women often look forward to it as it means the end to their monthly discomfort such as bloating, bleeding and inconvenience, not to mention the worry of unplanned pregnancies.

However, other women find menopause a very stressful period in their lives and many women are eager for it to be over. They find that the decline in their hormones affects their sex drive, accompanied by mood swings and hot flashes, not to mention heart and bone problems.

Menopause can come on quite rapidly to a gal, for instance, if it is caused by breast cancer treatment it can lead to uncomfortable side effects and infertility. Some women connect the menopause with an illness rather than an ordinary process of the female body. And very often menopausal symptoms interrupt a woman's day to day quality of life.

For some women, menopause can be a rapid onset, for instance, if it is caused by breast cancer treatment it can lead to uncomfortable side effects and infertility. Some women connect the menopause with an illness rather than an ordinary process of the female body. And very often menopausal symptoms interrupt a woman's day to day quality of life.

There is a wide scope of treatment recommendations for women going through menopause that cover an extensive range of lifestyles. Such recommendations include such things as complementary therapies and conventional styles of medicine. However, the most productive therapies do tend to possess certain side effects although their benefits may surpass them.

You should begin with the simplest, mildest treatment for your menopausal symptoms that maintain the broadest benefit and the least number of side effects. Slowly you can then progress to stronger forms or doses of management if necessary.

Exercise is an excellent example of a healing measure that comes with minimum drawbacks. This is because the heart and bones are strengthened while your weight is under control. Other benefits are your sleep and energy levels should upgrade. Your sex drive will rev up and your skin will glow.

Estrogen treatment is at the powerful end of the treatment spectrum. Doctors almost always automatically recommend Estrogen for Women with menopausal symptoms as long as they are free from breast cancer. However, numerous women are apprehensive about taking estrogen as the studies on long term effects are not fully verified and studies suggest there is a strong likelihood that it can be linked to breast cancer.

Carlie Edwards publishes online articles & useful information for Women. For info on Menopause visit Menopause Symptoms For a variety of related topics visit Health-And-Beauty-Worx.Com

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