Thursday, November 1, 2007

Natural Menopause Treatment

 Signs of Menopause

For more information please visit

  • Am I Menopausal?

  • Natural Menopause Relief

  • Menopause Symptoms

  • Defeating Menopause

  • Description

    * Menopause refers to the cessation of menses, a normal process in a woman's life. It marks the ending of a woman's reproductive years, and the beginning of a new stage of life known as the climacteric stage. Menopause usually occurs near the age of fifty, but can begin in the early forties.,

    * During menopause, the production of ovarian hormones, including androgens, decreases. This can result in signs of menopause, including hot flashes, mood swings, depression, vaginal dryness, excessive perspiration, headaches, memory impairment, digestive disturbances, and sleeplessness. At the time of menopause there is an increase in the production of androgens from other androgen-producing sites in the body. Androgens act as weak estrogens, helping the body to adjust to the hormonal changes that are occurring.

    * The stronger the woman's adrenals, and the better her nutritional status, the easier is her transition into menopause. Chronic stress over long periods of time can lead to adrenal depletion. If a woman is nutritionally depleted and emotionally stressed she may require hormonal, nutritional, or other support.2

    Prevention and Management of Signs of Menopause Symptoms

    * Regular physical exercise is necessary to protect against bone loss. Exercise has many other benefits as well.

    * A diet that is low in saturated fats and cholesterol and high in complex carbohydrates, such as grains, fruits and vegetables is important.2

    * Vitamin E supplementation may reduce symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, dizziness, palpitations, fatigue, and breathing difficulties.,,

    * Calcium is important in maintaining bone mass.
    * Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption.
    * Magnesium intake is often low in women with osteoporosis. Low magnesium intake is associated with low bone mineral content (BMC).

    * Boron reduces urinary calcium loss and increases serum levels of 17 estradiol (estrogen).

    * Essential fatty acids can help prevent dryness of the hair, skin and vaginal tissues.

    * Soy supplementation has been suggested as a possible alternative to hormone replacement therapy. Soy isoflavones act as estrogen-like compounds. Forty-five grams of dietary soy, per day for 12 weeks was shown to decrease post-menopausal hot flashes.

    * Certain herbs such as black cohosh, chasteberry, licorice and dong quai have shown to have a beneficial effect in managing many of the menopause symptoms.


    1 Golan R. Optimal Wellness. New York:Ballantine Books; 1995 p 359-40.
    2 Mayo JL. A Natural Approach to Menopause. Clin Nutr Insights 1997;5(7):1-8.


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