Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pre Menopause Symptoms Can Happen at Any Age

Unfortunately, pre menopause symptoms can present themselves at any age. Women, however, don?t always recognize them for what they are because they feel they are too young to be experiencing signs of early menopause. The sad fact is that often there is little if anything that can be done to alleviate these symptoms of early menopause which often show up in the early thirties, sooner rather than later than most women expect.

One of the first noticeable symptoms is irregular menstrual cycles. Some women find that their cycles are either longer or shorter and often much heavier than normal. Some women will even experience light spotting throughout the month. If you are noticing these symptoms, especially over the course of several months, you should consider discussing the possibility that you might be experiencing pre menopause and rule out the possibility of something more serious.

Other signs of pre menopause are night sweats and hot flashes. Some women even find that these symptoms impair their ability to sleep, as the act of lying down seems to bring on a hot flash. Once finally getting to sleep you may find that you wake covered in sweat or simply have difficulty remaining asleep. Mood swings are another indicator. It really makes sense when you think about though. Lack of sleep, changing hormones, and hot flashes would not exactly make for a happy camper.

Other symptoms of pre menopause include dry skin and hair loss. These symptoms will generally not subside until actual menopause begins. After menopause sets in many of these symptoms will completely subside. The bad news is that this could last for several years until menopause actually sets in.

Pre menopausal symptoms can be felt by many women as young as 30 or those who have had hysterectomies. Some women are fortunate enough to never experience one single symptom of pre menopause throughout their entire menopause and pre menopause process. If you have one or more of these symptoms it is important that you don?t worry, but equally important that you discuss these things with your doctor. Menopause is a natural part of life for women and something that shouldn?t be feared.

Rob Buenaventura invites you to check out Here we provide a website on menopause symptoms and related common questions on menopause health. If you think you are suffering from preimenopause mood swings, check out on some solutions.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Defining Menopause

There is a reason that menopause is often referred to as ?the change.? It is after all a huge change for a woman?s bodies that carries with it a powerful physical and psychological toll. Not only does it herald the end of menstrual cycles (a cause for some amount of cheering) it is also the harbinger of the end of youth or the onset of age, which results in some rather mixed emotions.

When the ovaries quite producing estrogen, the reproductive system begins to essentially close up shop. This process is what is considered menopause.

As your body adjusts to the changes taking places, it creates certain ?coping mechanisms? in order to process these changes in hormone levels. The coping mechanisms that your body creates are known as the symptoms of menopause. These symptoms include:

1) Hot flashes, sometimes accompanied by palpitations.
2) Extreme irritability, mood swings, depression, and inability to concentrate
3) Vaginal dryness and increasing urinary frequency accompanied by decreasing and erratic menstrual cycles.

So what is Menopause?

Technically, menopause is the term used to describe the ending of the monthly menstrual cycle. The process can last anywhere from six months to five years while one year is the common length of time. It is important to remember that the duration will vary between women. Another important thing to note is that menopause is not an illness or a disease but a natural progression in the cycle of life. Menopause can be surgically produced when the ovaries are removed during a hysterectomy.

When Does Menopause Occur?

The average age at which menopause occurs is 50.5 years, however some women enter into the process much earlier. Cancer sufferers and those who have received chemotherapy often experience an early onset of menopausal symptoms. Other things that can bring on early menopause include autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, and diabetes mellitus. Early menopause is typically defined as menopause that occurs before the age of 40. The actual onset of premature menopause can be formally diagnosed through the measurements of certain hormones within the body.

One of the most common risks or problems associated with menopause is the increased loss of bone known as osteoporosis. Special care and attention should be paid, especially to women who are particularly vulnerable or at risk for developing this condition.

During the early stages of menopause, the hormones estrogen and progesterone lessen and menstrual cycles become increasingly irregular. Fertility and the ability to have children also tend to decrease during this process as well.

Some Common Treatments for Menopause are:

1) Hormone replacement therapy also known as HRT
2) Alternative therapies
3) Natural remedies
4) Lifestyle changes (fitness and dietary changes)
5) Nutritional supplements

It is important to note that according to a Women?s Health Initiative study, women who participate in HRT are at a much higher risk for certain diseases. It is vitally important that you discuss the risks and advantages involved in this type of therapy with your physician in order to make an informed decision.

Rob Buenaventura invites you to check out Here we provide a website on menopause symptoms and related common questions on menopause health. Think you might be entering menopause? Check out for early symptoms on menopause.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Surviving the Menopause

During menopause, women's bodies begin to change, as their ovaries slow in producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Menstruation also slows down, and eventually stops as well. Although menopause can occur at any age, the normal timeframe is between 50 and 54.

Menopause is the part of a woman's normal aging process and it will happen to all who haven't had their uterus and ovaries surgically removed. If this is the case, premature menopause will occur. In some cases, only the uterus is taken out and the ovaries are left. Under these circumstances, there are no immediate menopausal symptoms, since the patient is still receiving the hormones mentioned above.

Menopause creates a number of symptoms that a woman may not be conscious of at first. The menstrual cycle will be affected by the diminishing production of the two hormones, and will most likely be completely unpredictable. For example she may experience heavy flow one month and light spotting when her next period shows up.

There are a number of symptoms that start manifesting as she begins to enter the various phases of menopause: (1) hot flashes (2) irritability (3) sweating at odd times (4) sleep disturbances (5) vaginal dryness that can lead to sexual and urinary discomfort (6) mood swings that may include anger and depression. (7) hair growth on the face, arms, chest and stomach (8) memory problems and difficulty with concentration (9) low frustration level, affecting her whole mood.

The best advice for a middle-aged woman is to look for information on menopause. The more she knows about it, the more she will know what to expect and how to cope with it. She will also feel less alone in the world when the symptoms appear.

As with so many other aspects of our lives, a balanced and healthy diet, and exercise will go a long way in making women feel better. Eating healthy, nutritious foods will help minimize their symptoms. Vitamin and minerals taken as supplements are essential as well. Some women experience severe menopausal symptoms and may wish to consider hormone replacement therapy (HRT). During these years, it is more important than ever for women to regularly visit their doctors. They may experience unrelated symptoms and not be able to tell the difference without a medical examination. It may also be beneficial to join a menopause support group, where they will meet other women with similar experiences. This contact can go a long way in helping women cope with menopause.

Lindsay Hurst is the owner of A Menopause, the #1 source on the internet for information about Menopause, For more articles on Menopause why not visit: and other unique content menopause articles are available with free reprint rights.

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