Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Staying Sexy During Menopause

Staying Sexy During Menopause

By Linda Ryan

As more and more articles, books and medical research focuses on the challenges of a baby boomer generation facing menopause, so have the attitudes toward the immortalized Mrs. Robinson of The Graduate. The generation that launched the sexual revolution and was liberated by the pill is not going to accept menopause as the end of their sex lives.

While drug companies and the medical community are scrambling to develop a woman's version of the "blue pill," a new patch dubbed the 'pink Viagra' has already been used by over 280,000 women in Europe to re-ignite their sexual desire. The twist? It uses our sense of smell to activate the 'feel good' hormones.

Scentuelle, developed by CST Medical Ltd, is an innovative patch designed to stimulate the libido by targeting the smell receptors at the edge of our brains with a sensuous blend of aromas. These smell receptors link directly to the limbic system, the part of the brain that deals with happiness and pleasure - including our sexual desire. The non-transdermal (nothing enters the bloodstream) patch has been impregnated with a unique combination of scent molecules and smelling the patch at frequent intervals throughout the day triggers sexual feelings and desire.

"Scentuelle represents an exciting breakthrough, offering women a simple, non-invasive solution to a lack of sexual desire," said Liz Paul, who was instrumental in the development of Scentuelle. She was awarded the British Female Inventor of the Year in 2003 for her efforts to enhance women's sexual health.

Ever since Viagra was introduced to help men with erectile dysfunction, the search was on for a treatment to help women who suffer from a loss of desire. However one thing was clear, for women, feeling sexy starts on the inside. It's about the emotion rather than the motion.

Studies have shown that our most powerful feelings are brought in to being when the emotional centers of the brain are activated by the precise stimulation of hundreds of different types of smell receptors.

According to Dr. George Dodd, a biochemist and leading expert in the field of smell, the heart notes of Scentuelle constitute a blend of scent molecules, which mimic the size, shape, and electrical charge of dopamine, the molecule that causes the brain to release the hormones that make us feel good - even aroused.

With more television shows, movies and books highlighting sexually confident women in their menopause and post-menopausal years, Scentuelle is ideal for women who want to regain the intimacy in their relationship. And, unlike other therapies such as HRT, vaginal estrogen and hormonal creams, Scentuelle offers women a natural and non-invasive solution that does not require a prescription.

Scentuelle is currently sold exclusively through an online boutique at:, providing women a discreet place to shop.

"Many women who have sexual problems are older women who wouldn't dream of going to their doctors for advice." Paul said. "And, they would feel too threatened or embarrassed visiting a sex shop, no matter how pretty and female-friendly the d?cor."

Now with the last kid out of the house and a Scentuelle patch on their wrist, women everywhere will be able to enhance their sexual relationships.

Linda Ryan manages her own business providing resources and products for women in menopause. She was a former LPN specializing in private patient care for the terminally ill. Email: Website:

Linda Ryan manages her own business providing resources and products for women in menopause. She was a former LPN specializing in private patient care for the terminally ill. Email: Website:

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Menopause Primer

Menopause is often cryptically referred to as "the change of life." But as lovely as this sounds, it doesn't tell anyone a whole lot about menopause. After all, there are plenty of "changes to live" experienced by men and women of all ages that has nothing to do with menopause.

Menopause is something every woman with all her reproductive organs eventually experiences. Menopause is a natural part of the biological process. It is not a disease or illness although some menopause side effects can be unpleasant.

Some doctors claim that menopause is a process that can start in a woman in her 30s and last as late as her 60s. But menopause occurs in most women between the ages of 45 and 55. Menopause is officially the full stopping of menstrual periods for at least 12 months in a row.

Some of the signs and symptoms of menopause include the obvious, irregular periods. Unpredictability of periods is one of the first signs of menopause. Menstrual periods can suddenly vary between gradually getting lighter, then heavier, and then lighter again.

Another sign of menopause is decreased fertility. A menopausal woman does not ovulate and cannot get pregnant. But women in the menopause transition should still be cautious. Pregnancy in a woman who hasn't completed menopause can still happen, especially if it's only been a few months since her periods stopped. Remember, full menopause doesn't occur until a woman's menstrual periods have stopped for at least 12 months.

Menopause is caused by a woman's estrogen levels decreasing. So a woman in menopause doesn't produce enough estrogen to keep the vagina and urethra well lubricated. So menopause causes the vagina and urethra to become less elastic and drier, causing those areas to become itchier and more at risk for infections. Sex can also be more uncomfortable for women in menopause.

The drops in estrogen levels during menopause can also cause what's called hot flashes. Hot flashes are often the butt of jokes, but can be quite bad for some women experiencing menopause. Hot flashes in menopause last at least 30 seconds to up to several minutes. They're characterized by a flushed face and red blotches on chest, neck and arms. They can happen any time during the day or night.
Other symptoms and signs of menopause include an inability to sleep as well as a modest - usually five-pound - weight gain. Adult acne can get worse during menopause. Plus with decreased estrogen levels in menopause, the small amounts of testosterone every female produces takes over. Because of this, sometimes women in menopause can get coarse facial hair and coarse hair on the chest and stomach.

Menopause is a natural life transition. But sometimes complications in the process of menopause occur. For example, if a woman knows for sure she's in menopause (that is she hasn't had a period for at least 12 months in a row), and she's bleeding from her vagina, she should go see a doctor.

If a woman thinks she's in menopause, but isn't sure, she can always go to a doctor. Depending on the situation, a doctor might take a blood test to determine menopause. In this case, a blood sample is usually tested for the level of estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). During menopause FSH levels increase as estrogen levels decrease. So higher levels of FSH and lower levels of estrogen will show a woman has gone into menopause.

Menopause Hub is an information site that contains articles, a directory and other Menopause Resources. It can be found at:

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Friday, October 26, 2007

The Truth About The Symptoms Of Menopause

There have been debates in many places about some women who insist that they don't experience any form of symptoms prior to menopause.

I know it?s difficult to believe that these women are stating this, especially when you are aware that you do experience painful symptoms of menopause. Don?t be quick to dismiss such claims, because it really happens around the globe!

While most women will experience some symptoms of menopause, it is critical for you to understand that not all women will experience the same symptoms. The fact remains that every woman's body is different from another woman. Nothing works the exact same way in every woman.

Every woman has a different life style, eat different products, exercises or not. Everything they do influence their body.

That?s why it is perfectly normal when such women who don't experience symptoms of menopause just gradually slip into it with ease.

Whatever some people have learned menopause does not occur suddenly!

What happens is this; as all women mature and pass through their reproductive years (usually from as early as 15 years to 45 years - depending on the women in question), an egg is released each and every month with the aim of getting fertilized to form a child.

When this fertilization does not take place, this results in menstruation. As this occurs every month, the supplies of eggs gradually decrease because there are a maximum number of ovarian follicles in every woman that develop into eggs.

When the number of eggs has been exhausted, this finally brings about menopause and at this stage, a woman is no longer able to have children.

For women who say they don't experience any symptoms, this is true. They simply get into the stage when they stop menstruating before they notice that they have reached menopause.

Want to Discover 4 Menopause Secrets? Menopause Symtoms Menopause Symptons Menopause Menopause Symptom

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why Worry About Menopause?

As a woman who wants to know about the symptoms of menopause, it is important to have a deeper understanding of what menopause really is. This deeper understanding will give you more insight into what to expect as menopause starts.

There are many women who don't have all the true information about menopause, except some myths and none-fact information about menopause. Such information only ends up confusing you, instead of helping you.

Menopause is simply the permanent end to menstruation of women. The time that this occurs varies from women to women. In the United States, for example, most women start experiencing menopause from their late 40s. Many other women, start experiencing menopause in their early 50s.

While some women happily and patiently look forward to it, others get scared of it. For those who look forward to it, they could be tired of monthly menstruation and look forward to menopause knowing they would no longer menstruate. This is especially true for ladies who always have painful menstrual periods.

For those who get scared of it, they could still be expecting to bear children and so don't want menopause since it will signal an end to child bearing.

Whichever category you fall into, menopause signals the end of your ability as a lady to bear children. Menopause in most women is preceded by 10 to 15 years during which the ovaries gradually stop producing eggs and sex hormones. This period is also known as the climacteric period.

Instead of worrying stiff about when menopause will start and the symptoms, it?s more important to start preparing your mind and body for it. If you need to bear children, start early before your late 40s and early 50s. This will ensure you get done with child bearing before menopause catches up with you.

Want to Discover 4 Menopause Secrets? Menopause Menopause Symptom Menopause Symptons Menopause Symtoms

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cessation Menopause

Menopause refers to the physiological stopping of menstrual cycles that is associated with advancing age in species that experience such cycles. More specifically menopause occurs as the ovaries of the species stop producing estrogen, which in turn causes the entire reproductive system to slowly come to a halt. During this time of shutdown, the body is continually trying to adapt to the changing level of hormones which is the cause of the symptoms we commonly know: - Increased depression - Anxiety - Irritability - Mood swings - Lack of concentration

It isn't uncommon for a woman to have increasingly scanty and random menstrual periods along with the above symptoms. The typical time for this cycle is about one year, but can swing to as little as 6 months, and to as great as 5 years in extreme cases. Physiological Menopause is part of a normal aging process, and on average occurs as 50.5 years of age. Some woman experience menopause at a younger age, at it should be noted that it can also be surgically induced by procedures like hysterectomy.

There is several different factors which can attribute the timeline of menopause. An example of such is: both fraternal and identical twins will on average reach menopause before other women; approximately five percent of twins will reach menopause before they turn forty. There is no way to predict in advance how long, or when menopause will exist, but if you spend some time going over it with your doctor you will be able to have a better idea.

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Menopause Area -, which is the best site on the internet for all menopause related information.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Treating Menopause Symptoms Naturally

Women who are currently undergoing the natural changes associated with menopause often have a variety of uncomfortable or frustrating symptoms that accompany the change. Although there are many pharmaceuticals available either over the counter or with a prescription, some quick and simple cures are the natural remedies that women have been using for thousands of years. These natural products are able to treat the symptoms of menopause without potentially harmful side effects or drug interactions.

Many women are experiencing problems due to the diminishing estrogen level in their system due to menopause. This level can be artificially replaces using estrogen replacement therapy, but it may have more serious consequences. Studies have shown that some women who participate in estrogen replacement therapies are at a greater risk of breast and uterine cancers than women who did not participate in the programs. Instead of adding hormones to your body, allow it to change naturally and work to control each symptom. Not all women experience each symptom of menopause, so you should only concentrate on the symptoms that are currently affecting your life and body.

By far, the easiest way to treat your menopause symptoms naturally is to change your diet. Eating a healthy, well balanced diet will not only increase you general sense of health and well being, but also help your body naturally adjust to the changes associated with menopause. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables and be sure to steer clear of foods high in fat, which can potentially cause your body to have more issues when it comes to estrogen regulation.

Instead of replacing lost estrogen, women in menopause should consider using an all natural product that works to mimic the effects of estrogen on the body. One such product in phytoestrogens, commonly used in Japan by women affected by menopause. These plant products are naturally found in foods, especially the soy bean. In addition to adding soy based food to your diet, including tofu and soy substitutes like soy milk and cheese, consider taking a supplement of phytoestrogen. The plant estrogen is not nearly as potent as the hormone produced in the human body, so the increased probability of breast cancer is nil.

Regular exercise will also aid a woman?s body through this naturally changing stage of menopause. Just like eating a healthy and well balanced diet, ensuring your body receives the proper amount of exercise will not only affect your overall sense of health, it will also work to ensure your body is at its healthiest during menopause. Consider joining a gym or joining up with a fellow gal pal in menopause in order to ensure you are sticking to your exercise plan on a regular basis.

Supplements and vitamins are also excellent for curing the problems of menopause. Vitamin C is great for individuals who want to strengthen their immune system and prevent general illnesses and other health related problems. This vitamin is perfect for women who are experiencing hot flashes in association with their menopause, as it expands blood vessels and is packed with bioflavinoids, which work to stop hot flashes in their tracks.

Vitamin E is also another vitamin for women who are looking to combat the problem of incontinency, commonly associated with menopause. This vitamin works by building collagen in order to provide the skin with the utmost elasticity. Menopause often decreases the collagen found in skin, so that the skin?and even the bladder?begins to lose its elasticity, therefore causing incontinence. Vitamin E also helps combat stretch marks and wrinkles, so many women take it in order to keep their skin
looking its best.

Since menopause can zap a woman?s energy, it is critical all women in this stage of their life take a supplement rich in Vitamin B. This tiny vitamin works to combat stress and provides your body with a boost of energy. Although it is available in pill format, some women choose to seek an injection from their doctor on a regular basis because the symptoms of menopause have proven too tiring to continue basic tasks.

Treating the symptoms of menopause naturally is an excellent way to avoid pharmaceuticals and still achieve the same results. For women suffering from the common side effects of menopause, these natural alternatives are excellent ways to ensure the change that is affecting their body does not affect their life.

Menopause Hub is an information site that contains articles, a directory and other Menopause Resources. It can be found at:

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Herbal Remedies For Menopause Symptoms

Many women just don't like the idea of hormone replacement therapy for their menopause experience. Some women just don't do well with it while others are looking for a more natural way to go. Herbal therapy is one way a lot of women are looking at. Now it's known that the symptoms of menopause can be alleviated with herbal therapy.

If your facing menopause, read this and see if herbal therapy is something you might want to try.

Infections Bladder and pelvic region are known for recurring infections. Herbal remedies can be a fantastic way to control and prevent these when you follow the directions. However, anytime you have an infection you must see your doctor. The herb Echinacea can help build a strong immune system, which is extremely helpful during menopause and is not toxic when directions are followed. Bearberry or Uva Ursi comes from an evergreen bush and has been used as a bladder infection treatment for some time now, It's also used as a gentle urinary antiseptic. Do not take Bearberry or Uva Ursi for more than seven days in a row.

Memory Loss / Forgetfulness One menopause symptom that may be a little more fearful than others is loss of memory. It's really tough to go through this period and feel like you can't remember things when you want to. If your interested in improving your memory, try gingko biloba. Gingko is an herb that is not toxic and works to help activate the brain. China has used it for many years and it can also be very helpful with PMS symptoms and mood swings.

Hot Flashes Hot flashes don't just come as hot flashes, they come along with nausea, headaches and anxiety making it incredibly unbearable at times throughout menopause. Black cohosh, sometimes called Rattle weed, Squawroot, Black snakeroot, is an herbal treatment to help contain hot flashes. It's normally found in North American forests. Traditionally, the first American Indians boiled the Black cohosh into a tea and drank it for many illnesses. Seems to be very safe when following directions.

Bottom line is, if you decide not to go with hormone replacement for your menopause symptoms, there's no need to suffer. Let me say it again, there's no need to suffer. Now days many doctors are well versed in herdal remedies. Talk to your doctor and ask about interaction of any drugs you are taking with the herbs your thinking about taking. You can usually find these herbs at a drug stores and health food stores. The pill form of these herbs has become very popular. However, home brewing fresh herbs may be more effective.

Carlie Edwards publishes online articles & useful information for Women. For info on Menopause visit Menopause Symptoms For a variety of related topics visit Health-And-Beauty-Worx.Com

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Living With Menopause

Some women claim that menopause has ruined their lives. These women may indicate that going through menopause has been part of the darkest period of time in their lives. Some women say that they are depressed and only feel like staying in bed all day. They will tell you that there is nothing very good about the menopause experience. The fact is, living with menopause is really no different than having to deal with any other time in your life.

Menopause occurs naturally to all women at some time in their lives. In some women there may be symptoms that difficult and troublesome, but women should not dread the experience completely. A lot of the times, women who are experiencing menopause are going through other things in their life so having to deal with menopause can have a doubling affect on what the woman is feeling.

Many women are afraid that menopause will take away their attractiveness or make them feel old. Some may feel less feminine. These feelings are common but it should be understood that these feelings really what you make of them. If you are confident in your appearance and feel young then approaching menopause really should not make that impression go away.

Your attitude as you approach menopause will likely determine what your experience will ultimately be like. There will be some days that you will not feel so great or you feel that your emotional level is higher than other days which may be due to the lack of estrogen in your body. These feelings are natural and it is not unexpected for them to leave you feeling a bit down.

There are reasons to be excited about menopause. It can signify the start of the rest of your life, as corny as that may sound. It indicates strength and endurance. The fact is that you have made it through your reproductive years and have dealt with thousands of periods in your life. You should be happy that your body is now giving you a break from those occurrences.

You should not think of it in terms of it signifying an end to your youth. On the contrary, many young women can go through menopause as well, which is not particularly common, but can occur. It is simply something that occurs to every woman at different times during their lives. Some women may be older and some younger.

How you perceive menopause will also affect how you view it as well. If your mother spent her life dreading the experience then that may affect how you will feel about it. You can be influenced in negative ways by those around you and can act according to how they view the experience. Those around you who are negative about the experience can influence your experience in a adverse way.
Remember, it is different for everyone.

You need to plan on being positive through the experience. Tell yourself that this is a natural and good thing to happen to your body. Tell those around you that there may be days when you are not feeling the greatest and that you are working hard to get through menopause in a positive way since it is something that all females go through. If you are positive, it will affect others and they will also be positive on the experience.

Gail is a mother of two who runs a menopause help network. Her newest work can be found at

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Living With Menopause

Some women claim that menopause has ruined their lives. These women may indicate that going through menopause has been part of the darkest period of time in their lives. Some women say that they are depressed and only feel like staying in bed all day. They will tell you that there is nothing very good about the menopause experience. The fact is, living with menopause is really no different than having to deal with any other time in your life.

Menopause occurs naturally to all women at some time in their lives. In some women there may be symptoms that difficult and troublesome, but women should not dread the experience completely. A lot of the times, women who are experiencing menopause are going through other things in their life so having to deal with menopause can have a doubling affect on what the woman is feeling.

Many women are afraid that menopause will take away their attractiveness or make them feel old. Some may feel less feminine. These feelings are common but it should be understood that these feelings really what you make of them. If you are confident in your appearance and feel young then approaching menopause really should not make that impression go away.

Your attitude as you approach menopause will likely determine what your experience will ultimately be like. There will be some days that you will not feel so great or you feel that your emotional level is higher than other days which may be due to the lack of estrogen in your body. These feelings are natural and it is not unexpected for them to leave you feeling a bit down.

There are reasons to be excited about menopause. It can signify the start of the rest of your life, as corny as that may sound. It indicates strength and endurance. The fact is that you have made it through your reproductive years and have dealt with thousands of periods in your life. You should be happy that your body is now giving you a break from those occurrences.

You should not think of it in terms of it signifying an end to your youth. On the contrary, many young women can go through menopause as well, which is not particularly common, but can occur. It is simply something that occurs to every woman at different times during their lives. Some women may be older and some younger.

How you perceive menopause will also affect how you view it as well. If your mother spent her life dreading the experience then that may affect how you will feel about it. You can be influenced in negative ways by those around you and can act according to how they view the experience. Those around you who are negative about the experience can influence your experience in a adverse way.
Remember, it is different for everyone.

You need to plan on being positive through the experience. Tell yourself that this is a natural and good thing to happen to your body. Tell those around you that there may be days when you are not feeling the greatest and that you are working hard to get through menopause in a positive way since it is something that all females go through. If you are positive, it will affect others and they will also be positive on the experience.

Gail is a mother of two who runs a menopause help network. Her newest work can be found at

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Is Menopause Starting? How Can You Tell

Some women have the expectations that the beginning of menopause will be clearly defined, unfortunately, it's not that simple. Even doctors can't be sure if menopause is beginning or not, even after you've fully explained all your symptoms.

Symptoms of menopause can be symptoms of other conditions as well, this is where the confusion comes in. Your doctor will most likely want to do some hormone testing to determine exactly what is going on. Hormone testing is simply drawing blood. Menopause can be a mystery, it may occur in some women that are as young as 30 years old or wait until a woman is over 60 years old before menopause begins.

It's extremely difficult to predict the timing of menopause. There are several factors that can act as signals however, such as family history. You will be more likely to go through menopause early if your mother did.

Gathering information from your mother or grandmother as to what age they went through menopause can be very helpful but don't expect it to be completely accurate. This is however, a good place to start if you're curious about it. The current data shows the average age for women to start menopause is around 51 years old.

There are many other factors that can help you to determine when you may start going through menopause. Are you a smoker? Studies have shown that women who are smokers are more likely to reach menopause before non-smoking women do. Although this information varies, it is believed that smokers will reach menopause on an average of two years before a non-smoker will. While this is still being studied, it's certainly something to consider.

At present there doesn't seem to be any relationship with menopause and the start of a female's menstruation. It's also not related to motherhood, birth control, height or a persons race.

You can try to recognize the menopause transition, therefore, getting a head start on the process! This transition is referred to as perimenopause. Perimenopause normally happens about six years before full menopause begins.

During the perimenopause transition, your hormones are beginning to fluctuate. You may start to notice irregular periods. Many times these irregular periods deal with the level of the flow and the length of the period.

You may also start to experience hot flashes. You could also find yourself having night sweats, occasional mood swings, and changes in your libido. Although these changes are not as prominent in the beginning, they are present in most women. During perimenopause, the average woman may only experience these symptoms once a month or every few weeks. However, during menopause you'll find these symptoms will most likely occur much more frequently or even everyday.

You'll be able to start recognizing these symptoms as a beginning point to menopause. Keeping a diary is a great way of tracking the patterns that may be developing. Write down things like; how long did your period last; what was the level of flow; did you experience hot flashes and things such as this. By keeping track of what's going on you will have a much easier time talking with your doctor about what patterns are occurring and what steps you need to take next.

Carlie Edwards publishes online articles & useful information for Women. For info on Menopause visit Menopause Symptoms For a variety of related topics visit Health-And-Beauty-Worx.Com

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Menopause Tips: Exercise and Hormone Replacement Therapy

Getting exercise is an important part of daily life; it helps keep us fit and well and makes us feel better. Growing older should be no excuse for stopping an exercise regime, and in fact it is more important than ever to exercise as we age.

While taking hormone replacement therapy, getting exercise is particularly valuable; taking extra hormones such as HRT can sometimes have adverse effects. For example they may feel irritable with associated mood swings or they may feel they are gaining weight, all because of the relentless fluctuation in hormone levels. Although there is no definite research to prove taking HRT makes a woman put on weight, getting exercise can often make certain she feels better about herself.

Our metabolism usually slows down quite significantly as we get older, which means that even if we have always been slim naturally when younger, we often find it more of a struggle as we get older. Women who have never had this problem may find adjusting their calorie intake to suit their body difficult.

Exercising when you are taking HRT doesn't need to be strenuous. You don't have to join a gym, have the mindset of a triathlete, or get obsessive about it. All you need to do is get in a positive state of mind and tell yourself you are going to take a small amount of exercise every week or, even better, every day.

Walking can be one of the best forms of exercise, and establishing some walking in your everyday routine lets you get a surprising level of exercise.

Walking to work, if possible, is a good way to integrate exercise into your daily life. It's most effective if it takes at least twenty minutes, but any amount is great. If walking to work is not a good option, and you own a dog, walking the dog is not only good for you but also your dog.

Swimming is also a high-quality exercise to do when taking hormone replacement therapy. Swimming exercises almost all of the body. You'll find your body and energy tones up quickly, if you can make do with fitting in a swimming session three times a week,

Taking even a small amount of exercise will also help smooth out mood swings or feelings of depression you may be experiencing, since exercise releases natural feel good chemicals, endorphins, into the blood stream, that make us feel much better. Working out also lowers your risk for osteoporosis and high blood pressure, so why wait? Start this week and reap the benefits.

Visit, and read more about hormone replacement therapy and menopause weight gain.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Managing THE MENOPAUSE Symptom

All women at some time in her life, and if they live long enough, will experience the decrease of her hormone production. The levels will drop below those required to continue her menstrual periods. This decline is called menopause and women often look forward to it as it means the end to their monthly discomfort such as bloating, bleeding and inconvenience, not to mention the worry of unplanned pregnancies.

However, other women find menopause a very stressful period in their lives and many women are eager for it to be over. They find that the decline in their hormones affects their sex drive, accompanied by mood swings and hot flashes, not to mention heart and bone problems.

Menopause can come on quite rapidly to a gal, for instance, if it is caused by breast cancer treatment it can lead to uncomfortable side effects and infertility. Some women connect the menopause with an illness rather than an ordinary process of the female body. And very often menopausal symptoms interrupt a woman's day to day quality of life.

For some women, menopause can be a rapid onset, for instance, if it is caused by breast cancer treatment it can lead to uncomfortable side effects and infertility. Some women connect the menopause with an illness rather than an ordinary process of the female body. And very often menopausal symptoms interrupt a woman's day to day quality of life.

There is a wide scope of treatment recommendations for women going through menopause that cover an extensive range of lifestyles. Such recommendations include such things as complementary therapies and conventional styles of medicine. However, the most productive therapies do tend to possess certain side effects although their benefits may surpass them.

You should begin with the simplest, mildest treatment for your menopausal symptoms that maintain the broadest benefit and the least number of side effects. Slowly you can then progress to stronger forms or doses of management if necessary.

Exercise is an excellent example of a healing measure that comes with minimum drawbacks. This is because the heart and bones are strengthened while your weight is under control. Other benefits are your sleep and energy levels should upgrade. Your sex drive will rev up and your skin will glow.

Estrogen treatment is at the powerful end of the treatment spectrum. Doctors almost always automatically recommend Estrogen for Women with menopausal symptoms as long as they are free from breast cancer. However, numerous women are apprehensive about taking estrogen as the studies on long term effects are not fully verified and studies suggest there is a strong likelihood that it can be linked to breast cancer.

Carlie Edwards publishes online articles & useful information for Women. For info on Menopause visit Menopause Symptoms For a variety of related topics visit Health-And-Beauty-Worx.Com

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Helpful Tips For Menopause Symptom

It's a great idea to keep track of your menopausal symptoms. Keeping a journal can be very helpful. Having your symptoms documented makes it much easier to talk with your doctor. This also helps you to identify any type of patterns that may be developing. Knowing these things can help you in finding the best way to move forward.

Hot Flashes - Oh the wonderful hot flashes! Hot flashes can be brought on by a number of factors; eating hot or spicy foods, caffeine and stress, hot environments. Try to avoid these. A great tip, my favorite, is to wear layers of clothing. If you become too hot, just take off a layer! Having fans in your home or workplace is also extremely helpful. Even the small personal fans that fit into your purse can be lifesavers. Try to take some time for regular exercise, you may find this will bring you relief. You can also consult with your doctor about taking antidepressant medications. Some women have found relief with this. Always consult with your doctor about this type of treatment.

Try to keep your weight under control and limit your intake of alcohol to not more than one alcoholic drink per day. Check with your doctor about what tests you need such as cholesterol, blood sugar levels, high blood pressure and bone density. Don't forget to request a breast exam.

Vaginal Dryness - there are several good over the counter lubricants that you can try. Also available are Estrogen replacement creams, some of these may be available by prescription from your doctor. You should discuss this option with your doctor to see if this would be something for you. If you experience spotting or bleeding while using estrogen creams you need to see your doctor.

Sleeping problems - to get a good nights sleep you can follow these simple rules: Aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. You should avoid too much exercise just before bedtime. Other things to avoid before bedtime are; large meals and working right before you go to bed, avoid caffeine, and alcohol as well. Drinking something warm like heated milk or herbal tea before bedtime can be helpful. Another helpful tip to getting a better nights sleep is to avoid napping throughout the day. Keep your bedroom temperature comfortable. Having a regular bedtime routine is an essential part of getting a good nights sleep, for example, go to bed and get up at the same time everyday.

Memory problems - if you are experiencing any type of memory problems you should discuss this with your doctor. He/She may be able to give you some mental exercises that will ensure your memory remains active. Additionally, try to set a goal to get enough sleep and be physically fit.

Mood swings - staying physically fit and getting enough sleep will help with mood swings. You should consult with your doctor about showing you relaxation exercises and the possible use of an antidepressant medication. Studies have shown this can be helpful. Support groups can be a wonderful way for women who are experiencing the same or similar problems. Seek out counseling, you can talk over your fears and/or problems with a trained professional.

Stay Healthy - as you start aging, try to say as healthy as you possibly can. It's absolutely essential for you to get enough physical exercise. At least 30 minutes per day is ideal. Walking, dancing and even jogging are advisable. Getting enough rest is also an important part of your well-being. If you smoke, try to find a way to quit, the sooner the better. You can get support from your doctor or via a support network.

Carlie Edwards publishes online articles & useful information for Women. For info on Menopause visit Menopause Symptoms For a variety of related topics visit Health-And-Beauty-Worx.Com

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Menopause Symptom And Alternative Treatments

In the past menopausal women had no real choices when it came to menopausal treastments available. But today there is great news for menopausal women. Traditionally, Doctors only offered hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as the logical and accepted treatment for women with symptoms that are associated with menopause.

However,today we have other treatments available to us. These alternative treatments have been making headlines in regards to menopause and post menopause. We're talking about treatments that are a little more natural and are often very effective. Women have been using alternative treatments for menopause since the beginning of time. You may not be familiar with them so read on!

Here are some of the alternative treatments that are available to you. Take a look and see if any of these alternative treatments for menopause and post menopausal symptoms would possibly work for you.

-Your Diet When you eat a lot of junk food do you ever feel really horrible? Physically? You guessed it, YES, your diet plays a huge part in why some people feel good and why others don't. It's best to stick with as many vegetables, fruits, and grains as you possibly can during this difficult time. Try to stay away from fats and red meat if at all possible. Your body needs proper nutrition during menopause. For women who would like to stay as natural as possible, alternative treatments can be wonderful. However, you need to remember that there will be some women that will still need hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It's always recommended that you make this decision with the help of your doctor. Between the two of you, you can come up with a treatment plan.

-Extra Vitamin Supplements

During different stages of our lives, our bodies will naturally lack different vitamins at different times. Vitamins used in higher doses than usual can help ease the symptoms of menopause. Women using alternative medicine to help with menopause will tell you that this is helpful. While you may be getting the nutrients you need from the foods you eat, you should talk to your doctor about taking extra supplements to help you through menopause.

-What About Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a form of medicine that uses homeopathy, herbs, and other treatments such as acupuncture for illness and/or troublesome symptoms. More and more women experiencing symptoms of menopause are using this method as well. Be aware: Health care experts have warned women who are at high risk for developing heart disease or other serious illnesses correlated with menopause should consider traditional treatments for menopausal symptoms like hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Women in the low risk category however can choose to go with a completely natural method such as the ones described here. By combining some of the natural treatments available, you'll find the best solution for you, this is what alternative treatment is all about!

-Herbs For Menopause Symptoms

Herbs have been used for centuries by different groups of people, they are still widely used in the non-Western world. Herbs are quickly becoming more and more common in the West as well. Numerous studies have shown there to be many herbs that are very effective in controlling the symptoms of menopause. One herb to note is Black cohosh. Black cohosh has been widely used for symptoms of hot flashes while the herb St. John's Wart has been a very popular herb for symptoms of moodiness or anxiety.

-Benefits Of Soy

Soy has been shown to help lower blood pressure. It also helps to stimulate our bodies disease preventing antibodies. Women who suffer with hot flashes may want to use soy to help prevent these symptoms that occur while going through menopause. Studies have shown Soy to be very effective in preventing hot flashes. Soy truly has many benefits for the body. If you don't get enough soy, you can always supplement by taking soy tablets, soy milk or even try soy butter and other soy products readily available in our grocery stores.

Carlie Edwards publishes online articles & useful information for Women. For info on Menopause visit Menopause Symptoms For a variety of related topics visit Health-And-Beauty-Worx.Com

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Menopause and Diminished Sex Drive

Is a diminished sex drive after menopause a serious health issue?

Many otherwise healthy women experience a diminished sex drive after menopause.

This does not happen to every woman. Each woman is different and her health is a very unique thing.

Studies indicate that at least fifty percent of women encounter a drop in sexual activity either because of loss of libido or vaginal dryness. However, ten percent of menopausal women actually report an increase in their libido during this time.

When women go through menopause, there is a drop in several different hormones. This is a normal part of aging and is not a health problem.

However, it can create problems for a woman who normally had a healthy sex drive and after menopause, has a diminished sex drive.

The hormones that drop after menopause are estrogen, testosterone (Yes! It effects both men and women), and progesterone, among others.

Hormones decline naturally with age and for some women, this means they are just not as interested in sex as before menopause.

This can mean that women are not as easily aroused as before, and that they are less sensitive to touching and stroking than they were before menopause.

This is often frustrating for women who had a healthy sex drive before menopause.

Some women choose to have HRT, which is hormone replacement therapy. Taking small amounts of testosterone can help to increase your sex drive and your pleasure related to orgasm. However, some women choose not to do this, because HRT has been linked to some health problems, such as an increased risk of breast cancer.

The other problem is that the hormones used in HRT sometimes do not have the same effect as the hormones produced naturally in the woman's body.

There are no quick answers to the health question of menopause and a diminished sex drive.

Most women consult their doctor to address this health issue, and some even consult a therapist to address any underlying causes of a diminished sex drive. Most women feel that improving communication in their marriage and making sure they have a healthy marriage can improve their sex drive.

Each woman must make her own decisions about whether or not to have HRT after menopause. For some women with a diminished sex drive, this seems to be the answer.

For others, there may be other health concerns. This is a decision that is best made with plenty of research and talking with a knowledgeable doctor.


Get More Valuable Information Regarding Menopause Symptoms and Treatments

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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Pueraria Mirifica Builds Up The Breast Produces Hormone In Menopause

Have you ever wondered if what you know about Pueraria mirifica is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on Pueraria mirifica.

A committee is appointed to study Pueraria mirifica. It is reportedly found to be efficient in building up the breast and working as a substitute hormone in Menopause women. The government sector is ready to revise the law for Pueraria mirifica to be a dietary reinforcement product. The result is expected to be known in 3 months.

Dr. Suraphong Suepwongli, the Deputy Minister of Public Health, has said that a meeting of the working group considering Pueraria mirifica, which consister of a group of researchers from Chulalongkorn University, the National Cancer Institute, the Institute of Dermatology, the Department of Medical Sciences, Mae Fa Luang University, etc., was held to determine whether or not it would be possible to promote Pueraria mirifica production as a topping industry for commercialized distribution, as a conclusion of which a national-level committee was set up to be in charge of pushing Pueraria mirifica, with Mrs. Khrueawan Somana, the Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Public Health, acting as the chairman of the working group for revising the law, since it lags far behind the laws of other countries. The meeting also arrived at a conclusion that Pueraria mirifica is clinically efficient in working as a substitute in menopause women and there is a trend that it will be used to build up the breast and to cure Alzheimer's disease by generating a regrowth of cells.

As regards toxicity, there is a conclusion from the National Cancer Institute that Pueraria mirifica is non-carcinogenic and this conforms to a research finding of King Mongkut's Hospital that Pueraria mirifica can also prevent cancer, so there came a conclusion that a national-level committee be set up to be in charge of pushing Pueraria mirifica, which will consider from research at a clinical and the revision of the medicinal herb law, because there is not yet any favoring law, and this law lags for behind the laws of other countries.

So far, we've uncovered some interesting facts about Pueraria mirifica. You may decide that the following information is even more interesting.

The patent question was extensively discussed, Dr. Suraphong said, because there is already a case of patent registration by a Thai. In fact, that is a patent registration seeking to concoct Pueraria mirifica as an ancient intellectual background. The focus at this moment is a process of turning the effective substance in Pueraria mirifica into a standard product and taking the process to register a patent, which a representative of the Department of Intellectual Property will be invited to joint in considering, and where possible, the patent will also be registered aboard.

Dr. Suraphong quoted Prof. Dr. Urusa Thepphisai, a researcher from Ramathibodi Hospital, as saying that Pueraria mirifica is registered as a traditional drug under the Drug Act, while in the United States of America Europe and Japan it is dietary reinforcement product. The Department of Medical Sciences, the Food and Drug Administration and the Institute of Thai Traditional Medicine have been ordered to collect group of ideas to revise the law within 3 months for the Cabinet to consider subsequently.

Pueraplus is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) which contains Phytoestrogens (Natural Plant Estrogen). After many years of research from Thailand, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

That's the latest from the Pueraria mirifica authorities. Once you're familiar with these ideas, you'll be ready to move to the next level.

Anchalee Saechin is the webmaster of the pueraria mirifica natural breast enhancement and healthcare product review To Free BREAST SPRAY $ 40 at

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Alternative Treatments For Menopause And Its Symptoms

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with Menopause .

There is great news for menopausal women today. In the past women have had no choice about menopausal treatments. Doctors have traditionally only offered hormone replacement therapy as a logical treatment for the symptoms associated with menopause. Today however there are other alternative treatments that are making headlines in regards to menopause and post menopause. These treatments are a little more natural and are often very effective. Although you may not be familiar with them, people have been using them since the beginning of time. Take a look at some of these alternative treatments for menopause to see if they would possibly work for you.

Naturopathic Medicine

This form of medicine uses herbs, homeopathy, and other treatments like acupuncture for illnesses or bothersome symptoms. It is being used more and more for menopause as well. Experts warn that women who are at high risk for developing heart disease or other serious illnesses correlated with menopause should consider traditional treatments like hormone replacement therapy. Those at low risk however can opt for a completely natural method such as this one. Combining all of the natural treatments to find the best route for you is what this alternative treatment is all about.


Studies show that many herbs are very effective at controlling menopause and the symptoms associated with it. Black cohosh is widely used for hot flashes while St. John's Wart is a popular herb for moodiness or anxiety. Herbs have been used since the beginning of time by different groups of people. They are still widely used in the non-Western world. They are becoming more and more common in the West as well however.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about Menopause . But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.


Those who favor alternative medicine will tell you that vitamins used in higher doses than usually can help ease the symptoms of menopause. At different times in your life, your body will naturally lack different vitamins. While you can often get the nutrients you need from food, talk with your doctor about extra supplements that may help you throughout menopause.


Soy has many different benefits for the body. It has shown to lower blood pressure and helps stimulate disease preventing antibodies in the body. It has also been known to help prevent hot flashes in women going through menopause. If you don't get enough soy, you can take soy tablets or try soy butter, soy milk, or other soy products.


Diet is a large part of why some people feel good and others don't. Have you ever noticed that when you eat a lot of junk food you really feel horrible physically? During menopause your body needs proper nutrition. It is best to stick with as many fruits, vegetables, and grains as you can during this time. Try to stay away from fats and red meat. These alternative treatments are wonderful for women who want to stay as natural as possible throughout menopause. Remember however that some women will need hormone replacement therapy. You should talk with your doctor and make the decision together regarding your treatment plans.

As your knowledge about Menopause continues to grow, you will begin to see how Menopause fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.

Masni Rizal Mansor provide tips and review on menopause symptoms and menopause treatment.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Baby Boomers Face Menopause

Baby Boomers Meet the Challenges of Menopause

The largest number of Baby Boomer women ever are about to enter their menopausal years.

When Erma, now in her 60's, began to experience menopausal symptoms, her Japanese herbologist told her this: The energy her body and spirit had used to menstruate could finally be directed wherever her heart desired. Anthropologist Margaret Mead said, "There is no more creative force in the world than a menopausal woman with zest." She said it more than 20 years ago, and it has never been more true than it is today.

A member of the Baby Boomer generation turns 50 every seven seconds, and as the last boomers begin the journey of menopause, it is the healthiest, most aware, and most youthful generation of women who have ever experienced it. 1957 saw the largest number of births in North America, and all of the women born in 1957 will turn 50 next year. Most of them will experience menopause by the year 2012, if they haven't already.

Despite the huge 50+ population in North America, western culture holds to an antiquated reverence for youth. Yes, it's ironic to call celebrating youth "antiquated," but it is an apt description. This attitude simply gives menopause a bad name.

The truth is that women needn't "pause" when menopause arrives. In 1998, 752 women between the ages of 50 and 65 were polled by The Gallup Organization, and more than half of them reported they were happier than ever. Numerous other cultures look at menopause as a joyous rite of passage like puberty, marriage, and giving birth.

Yes, menopause often brings symptoms that may need to be addressed, but we live in a time when significant research has finally been conducted, offering us numerous ways to manage menopausal discomfort.

Eight Healthy Ways to Manage Menopause

So, what can you do when the transition begins? Here are eight tips to manage "the change."

1. Chrystle experienced menopause early at age 45 and found that Evening Primrose Oil significantly reduced her hot flashes. When she ran out of the oil (which can be taken in pill form), she found out in no uncertain terms how effective the supplement had been - her flashes doubled!

2. If you're like Chrystle, wear layers so that you can be prepared when a hot flash strikes. This will help you avoid uncomfortable perspiration when you're in a social situation.

3. Synthetic and "natural" hormones (sometimes called "bioidentical" hormones) can often combat the vaginal dryness that comes with menopause, or you can simply use a water-based lubricant if sex becomes uncomfortable. There's certainly no reason whatsoever why a woman experiencing menopause should reduce her sexual activity. After all, you can finally say goodbye to tedious birth control!

4. Of course, when hormone levels start to change, this can also cause a reduction in libido. Hormone treatments can sometimes help, as can homeopathic remedies which work to balance hormone levels. Dr. George Dodd, a leading researcher in aromachology, the science of how smells influences behavior, has developed an aromatic patch that is specifically designed to stimulate the emotions that influence sexual desire. While you attend to the hormonal fluctuations, it also helps to do whatever you need to stimulate your mind sexually. Try to find new ways to turn yourself on.

5. Some women have found acupuncture, aromatherapy, and herbs to be very helpful in dealing with menopause. 6. If the hormones cause emotional symptoms, be sure to nurture yourself! Learn stress reduction techniques such as meditation, and take the time you need to care for yourself. The kinder you are to yourself if you experience tears or anger, the easier it will be to deal with these symptoms.

7. All of the things that will help you through the symptoms of menopause are the very same things that will improve your health at any age. You'll simply notice the positive results more than you would prior to menopause. Reduce alcohol, caffeine and refined sugar intake, as well as meat consumption, especially since animals are sometimes injected with hormones. Try to give up smoking, as it will not only increase symptoms but will make you more vulnerable to osteoporosis. Exercise, on the other hand, will reduce symptoms and decrease your risk of osteoporosis. And, of course, drink plenty of water!

8. Most importantly, maintain a positive attitude. Think of everything as a rebalancing of your energy. You can even think of hot flashes as a way of burning stress away, and some women "surf" through their hot flashes by maintaining a sense of humor.

Whatever you do, never forget that being in your twenties - with all of its inexperience and uncertainty - has never been all it's cracked up to be!

Melanie Votaw is an author, freelance journalist and keynote speaker. Email: Web: ,

Melanie Votaw is the author of, 52 Weeks of Passionate Sex and four other books, a freelance journalist and keynote speaker.

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