Saturday, May 31, 2008

Will Menopause Be A Thing Of The Past

Italy is known for it?s food and fashion but who would have guessed they?d also have the jump on helping women potentially eliminate menopause and it?s associate symptoms using a common over-the-counter supplement ? melatonin.

This is great news for all women, and a huge relief to those trying to decide which side effects to gamble on as a result of only knowing about traditional prescription drug therapies.

A six month watershed study conducted by the Menopause Center at the Madonna Del Grazie Health Institute in Rome Italy, identified a clear relationship between nocturnal melatonin production, a hormone that makes us sleepy, and menopause.

Female subjects between the ages of 42 and 62 were given either a melatonin supplement or a placebo each night for six months. The subjects were either in the stages of perimenopause and experiencing missed menstrual cycles or post menopause and their menstrual cycles had ceased entirely.

Over the course of the six-month study an amazing thing occurred. The subjects who received the daily melatonin supplement resumed menstrual cyclicity. Yes even the women who were post menopausal regained their menstrual cycles.

Symptoms typically associated with menopause such as depression, sleep disorders, hot flushes, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, appetite disorders and tremors related to anxiety and depression were remarkably reversed or significantly improved.

Natural hormone levels were restored to youthful levels and the women receiving the melatonin became fertile again.

These results are nothing short of remarkable. While this is just a single study and should be viewed with that in mind, the potential ramifications are profound. If in fact the chicken-and-egg relationship between the onset of menopause and melatonin are the opposite as previously thought ? that it is the reduction in melatonin that heralds the onset of menopause and not the reverse ? then by simply supplementing with melatonin may completely reverse menopause. At least that is what the results of this study are pointing to.

This would most likely eliminate the need for hormone replacement therapy entirely as a transitional step to menopause since women would continue to produce youthful levels of hormones on their own. It would also greatly impact several segments of the pharmaceutical industry ? anti-depressants, anti-anxiety and non-hormonal osteoporosis drugs that are now being hawked by celebrities like Sally Fields.

Imagine a world where women no longer have to fear fragile bones, or that their careers will be interrupted by the lack of energy or mental clarity suffered during menopause. How about mothers regularly giving birth at 75? Perhaps this will be a reality in the near future. We?ll just have to wait and see.

In the meantime what will be more interesting is how physicians handle this news. This study was published in December of 2005. Will it be repressed or discounted? Remember, melatonin is an over-the-counter sleep aid and doesn?t require a prescription. The pharmaceutical industry wont profit from this potentially wonderful discovery. That is unless they address it as they did the cholesterol-lowering effects of the common B vitamin - Niacin. They created an extended release version of an already perfect over-the-counter supplement called NiaSpan? so that physicians would have something to prescribe. Most physicians are reluctant to recommend over-the-counter supplements citing purity is not guaranteed.

You?ll have to educate yourself about your options when addressing menopause. Melatonin may prove to be a valuable aid for some women and may be worth examining for those of you beginning to see the symptoms of menopause.

* NiaSPan is a Registered Trademark of the KOS Pharmaceutical Company

Carl Lanore is the host of Super Human Radio - an AM Talk Radio show broadcast every Saturday at 12:00 Noon on 1080 WKJK from Louisville Kentucky. The show covers all topics related to human performance, fitness, nutrition, age management, exercise and strength training. Super Human Radio can also be heard on the Internet through Podcast by visiting or any of the top Podcast directories.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Menopause and Weight Gain - What's the Connection?

Numerous studies have shown that menopause and weight gain go hand in hand. There are probably many different factors that cause weight gain during menopause, but some studies suggest that the weight gain is related to decreased estrogen levels.

Gaining weight is frustrating and health threatening. It can also affect a woman?s sense of well being. A two year study about menopause and weight gain was recently concluded in Australia. 7,270 healthy women between the ages of 45 and 50 were surveyed concerning their weight and their sense of physical and mental well-being. Only half were able to maintain the same weight with which they began the study. More than one third gained 5 pounds or more. Even this small weight change negatively affected the group?s sense of mental well-being. Some sources say that the average weight gain during menopause is 12-15 pounds, if this is true, then it could account for the fact that a woman?s risk of developing heart disease after menopause increases dramatically, approaching that of a man.

Controlling and preventing weight gain during menopause is important for many reasons. During mid-life, a woman?s body tends to change from a pear shape (hips wider than waist) to a shape more like an apple, with the waist approaching the same size as the hips. Abdominal weight gain increases the risk of heart disease. And the American Cancer Society reports that maintaining an ideal weight throughout adult life reduces the risks for many types of cancer. Of major concern for cancer risks is, once again, abdominal weight gain. In menopausal women, this is where the extra pounds usually end up.

In order to try and determine the relationship between menopause and weight gain, scientists have removed the ovaries in lab animals and even one group of monkeys. During peri-menopause, a woman?s ovaries begin to produce less and less estrogen, until they finally stop at menopause. Removing the ovaries from animals simulates menopause in a laboratory setting. In all of these studies, the female animals increased their food intake (in some cases by as much as 67%) and, of course, gained weight. These studies indicate that estrogen (or the lack of it) plays a direct role in appetite. Thus, weight gain during menopause could be caused by decreased estrogen levels.

Drugs for menopause and weight gain control have known risks. Experimental drugs that have an estrogen like effect have been shown to reduce the amount of weight that lab animals gain after having their ovaries removed. However, these drugs also caused cancerous growths in the uterus. Estrogen replacement in menopausal women has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, blood clots, heart disease and stroke, when used for long periods of time. An alternative to synthetic hormones exists in the plant world.

Phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds that have an ?estrogen-like? effect on the body, are being recommended for women to help relieve the symptoms of menopause. Found in soy and red clover, if these plant components can reduce other symptoms of menopause, they may help reduce weight gain during menopause, as well. Undoubtedly, other factors play a role.

It is a known fact that a person?s metabolism changes with age. A woman who is 55 cannot eat the same amount of food that she did when she was 25 (even when levels of physical activity stay the same), without gaining weight. Thus, weight gain during menopause cannot be controlled or prevented without reducing calories and/or increasing physical activity. But, if a woman is making efforts to control her weight and nothing seems to be working, phytoestrogens might help. Adding soy to the diet or replacing higher fat, higher calorie meats with soy products is one way to accomplish this.

Some dietary supplements contain soy isoflavones. Isoflavones are the phytoestrogens found in soy. Use of these supplements may relieve symptoms of menopause and weight gain may be avoided, as well. To learn more about them visit the Menopause and PMS guide website.

Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for more than twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes informational health articles, focused on women?s issues. You can read more at

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Have Early Menopause Symptoms Evaluated By Your Physician

Early menopause symptoms include changes in menstrual periods and increased symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. These can show up as early as age 35.

Changes in menstrual periods that may be related to the reduced estrogen levels that accompany the years before menopause include heavy or lighter flow, missed periods and spotting between periods. However, these symptoms can also be caused by other more serious conditions, including cancer, so the importance of regular check-ups can not be overemphasized.

As a woman ages her ovaries produce less estrogen, because there are a decreasing number of egg cells inside of them. We are born with a finite number of egg cells and one of the primary functions of estrogen is to prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized one. Other organs produce estrogen, as well, but to a lesser extent. Thus, as the time of menopause approaches, which literally means the cessation of menses or menstruation, and estrogen levels in the body decrease, a woman may experience a variety of different symptoms.

One of the early menopause symptoms is an increased number of premenstrual symptoms. Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is related to decrease levels of estrogen, as well. The amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries varies during the month. The least amounts are produced during the days immediately preceding a period, but the levels begin to gradually decrease during the last two weeks of the cycle. Women who suffer from migraine headaches report more frequent and severe episodes during this time. Women who had migraines during puberty often find that they accompany early menopause symptoms, as well.

A woman?s experience with menopause and the years leading up to it varies. Either some women are less sensitive to changing hormonal levels or other factors may be at play. Poor diet or poor nutrition can cause irregularities in menstrual cycles at any age. Caffeine and alcohol can increase symptoms of PMS, trigger migraines and hot flashes in some women.

Not usually one of the earliest signs of menopause, hot flashes or flushes are believed to be related to reduced estrogen levels or changes in circulation. Most women experience them at some point during the years leading up to menopause. When they occur at night, they are referred to as night sweats and can interrupt sleep. Women have found that certain things increase their number or severity. Alcohol and caffeine were mentioned above, but spicy foods, cigarette smoke, stress and even tight clothing can also bring them on.

If other more serious conditions have been ruled out, many early menopause symptoms can be relieved with dietary changes, lifestyle changes and herbal supplements, like black cohosh, green tea and red clover. To learn more about these and other natural products that can help, please visit the Menopause and PMS website.

Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for more than twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes informational health articles, focused on women?s issues. You can read more at

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What is Menopause Depression and How Does it Come About?

Menopause has many commonly known symptoms such as hot flashes, and several lesser known ones such as menopause depression. Most women don't realize that this normal change in their bodies puts them at high risk for depressive feelings.

While some sadness about the changes in your body is completely normal during menopause, sometimes it goes beyond a simple mourning of your old life. Up to 15% of menopausal women are clinically depressed, and most won't seek treatment, thinking it isn't serious or that they are being ridiculous for feeling this way. However, menopause and depression is a serious issue that needs to be recognized.

The cause of menopause depression hasn't been pinned down yet, although theories abound. Some believe that the hormonal chaos created by the massive change in a body is the reason for the depression. Others claim the symptoms, hot flashes and and other physical changes, cause stress which leads to depression. Yet others claim it has nothing to do with the actual menopause, but more with the changes taking place in the woman's life. Children moving out, a natural decline in estrogens, losing parents to old age, and getting older herself can all be catalysts. Whatever the actual cause, menopause and depression is a definite problem.

Any woman with a history of depression is more likely to fall prey to the disease during her menopausal years. Also at high risk are women whose menopause is not natural, but caused by an emergency hysterectomy due to cancer or other complications, as are smokers and women who are normally under high stress.

The symptoms of menopause and depression can be similar and are often confused. Both cause fatigue, irritability and sleep disorders. Difficulty concentrating, feeling useless, and loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities are further symptoms of menopause depression. There is no need to suffer in silence, thinking the depression is a normal part of menopause.

Once menopause depression has been recognized, treatment should immediately follow. Conventional medicine calls for antidepressants or estrogen therapy, or even a combination of the two. However, more and more women are treating menopause and depression naturally, using herbal mood boosters and vitamins and minerals to keep their bodies in line, as well as treat the accompanying depression.

Major news shows have even done spots on the natural treatment of menopause. Many supplements for this purpose have emerged in the past few years, but nearly all of the effective ones contain herbs such as valerian root (to treat hot flashes and cramps) and ginkgo biloba (promotes mental clarity) as well as green tea (prevents excessive weight gain). Each of these herbs also plays a part in reducing depression symptoms.

Psychotherapy may also be recommended for menopause depression if it is felt that the symptoms stem from a mental source. This is particularly useful in cases where menopause was unexpected or abrupt, as in an emergency removal of ovaries and uterus. Women who had hoped to bear children or who lost their reproductive organs to disease are particularly at risk for depression which can be treated effectively through psychotherapy.

There are many treatments and many possible causes for menopause depression. Women don't need to feel helpless or alone as they go through these major life changes, and in fact, should seek ways to relieve the symptoms, not just bear them.

Mike Stevens has been studying the mood disorders for years, and has written many articles on the subject. He is a regular contributor to Menopause and Depression section of, a site discussing conventional and alternative ways to treat depression and related mood disorders.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Menopause Symptoms Got You Down - Learn To Alleviate Menopause With

Much as we'd like to avoid it, the reality is that all women have to go through the physical and emotional issues of menopause. It can be a very challenging time, and it's important to find ways to get any help or relief that might be required.

Aromatherapy is a great way to relieve any pain associated with menopause. There are many essential oils that are wonderful for creating a feeling of calm and relaxation, which is a great help if you're suffering from cramps or stomach problems.

There are also aromatherapy fragrances that are specifically suited for helping your body feel at peace. Using these particular oils will help you to feel more relaxed and comfortable, as well as helping to reduce the pain and stress often experienced with menopause.

Many women also find that depression gets hold of them when they start to go through menopause. It helps to know that certain aromatherapy oils do a great job revitalizing your body, as well as give you a burst of energy and strength. This really helps to reduce the effects of pain, fatigue and depression that many women associate with menopause.

There are some essential oils that simply have a positive effect on the mind and body, working through the sense of smell. There are many physical symptoms that come with menopause, and these essential oils help to reduce these. Some possible menopause symptoms include:

  • Cramps
  • Bloating
  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Restlessness
  • Weight problems
  • By spending some time learning about aromatherapy and what the various essential oils do, you can choose a combination best suited to alleviating your menopause symptoms, or simply to give yourself a positive boost. There's no need to worry about side effects or other problems with essential oils. You can simply give your body the rejuvenating oils it needs, and so rest easier and be more at peace.

    Aromatherapy is becoming more and more widespread, as women find out the beneficial effects it can produce during menopause. It's not just a physical change; aromatherapy results in a positive emotional change as well. Menopause can be seen as the end of one phase of life, and it can be difficult to let go and realize that you'll never get that part of your life back again. So it's important to do whatever you need to do to get through this stage of your life with the minimal amount of disruption and discomfort.

    For more ways to allevaite menopause with aromatherapy please visit Aromatherapy- Benefits where you will find valuable information and resources on aromatherapy massage uses, aromatherapy garden uses, aromatherapy cooking uses, aromatherapy benefits and aromatherapy bath uses that will help enhance your life by relieving stress and providing a calming effect.

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    Friday, May 23, 2008

    Vitamins For Menopause - Naturally!

    Are vitamin for menopause treatments effective? Menopause is the transitional period in a women's life where fertility functions begin to shut down and with it come a host of symptoms which in many cases, catch people off guard. So how important are vitamins in the treatment of menopausal symptoms?

    The most common treatment for menopause is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). One of the biggest anomalies with this is that women will normally be offered HRT if they are exhibiting symptoms however, in many cases, these symptoms may not be menopause related at all but attributed to other health conditions. In other words, they are aging related.

    Vitamins For A Healthy Body

    Being prepared for the onset of menopause doesn't mean you need to stand behind a barricade and keep a lookout for it. Keeping your body healthy and ready to manage this natural occurring process is important. Good vitamin intake in association with a balanced diet means you are giving yourself every chance to adjust to menopause when it "arrives." So a vitamin for menopause treatment should be a strongly considered option.

    One of the biggest benefits of vitamin supplements is their role in maintaing a healthy bone structure. Recent studies conclude that bone formation can be impaired without adequate levels of vitamin K. Estrogen levels drop during early menopause and findings suggest that vitamin K function is diminished even before bone loss occurs. So in actual fact, the suggestion is that the accepted level of this vitamin is not adequate enough during the initial phase of menopause. Vitamin K has been the subject of a host of studies in relation to menopause and may not yet be completely understood.

    Benefits Of Vitamins For Menopause

    What is understood though is the function of vitamins such as B, C and E. Vitamin B has long been known as an active combatant against symptoms of stress and reduced energy levels. A good B complex can aid in the recovery from energy depletion and other related symptoms.

    Vitamin E has "scored many bouquets" for having an effect on the incidence of hot flushes. It has also been found useful in aiding vaginal dryness, a common complaint of menopause. Vitamin E has a further multiplication benefit when taken in conjuction with some mineral nutrients.

    The benefits of vitamin C have long been known, particularly in the area of treatment for illnesses such as colds and flus however, it has also been effective in reducing incidence of hot flushes in menopausal women as well as having the ability to promote elasticity in the skin. This has a added benefits in both preventing and also treating vaginal dryness.

    Maintaining a healthy disposition long before menopause is even a factor can only be helpful in transitioning this natural stage of life. A vitamin for menopause treatment should be a strong option and one you should discuss with your health physician. There are many vitamin products on the market today and they are not all created equal. You may have to probe deeper than just settling for those you see on the supermarket shelves and perhaps consider products not available in the mainstream shopping arena.

    Recognize the onset of menopause and it's symptoms along with menopause news and reviews at:

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    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    Lose Menopause Weight Gain

    As you approach menopause, it?s not unusual to gain weight, especially around your mid-section. You have likely not changed your eating habits or level of activity, but the weight continues to accumulate, even if you?re still experiencing regular periods. Most women begin to notice this added weight while they?re in their thirties or forties, and are frustrated by the fact that the weight is not quite as easy to lose as it was a few years prior.

    The weight you?re now noticing is perfectly normal and is the result of declining hormone levels as you approach menopause (perimenopause). As your estrogen levels decline, your body will naturally look for other places from where to get the needed estrogen. Since fat cells are capable of producing estrogen, your body begins to work harder to convert your calories to fat.

    In addition to the declining levels of estrogen, your body?s testosterone levels are also declining. Because testosterone converts your calories to lean muscle mass, lower levels of testosterone will result in the loss of muscle. If you no longer have the necessary muscle mass to burn calories, the food you?re consuming will result in fat accumulation.

    Fortunately, if you have the determination to lose the extra weight you?re now carrying around, you will do so successfully. The only obstacle between you and a successful weight loss would be a lack of determination and discipline on your part; I sincerely doubt this is the case due to the fact that you found this article because you?re obviously looking for solutions.

    Now that you understand the havoc your hormones are capable of wreaking, you now have a clearer picture of what it is you need to do to lose the weight you?ve gained due to declining hormone levels. You see, simply cutting calories is no longer enough to reduce or eliminate the weight you?ve gained around your mid-section. Muscle plays a crucial role in weight loss, so it?s imperative to build muscle in order to have your body burn calories around the clock.

    I?m not suggesting anything extreme, but getting into a regular exercise program, which includes cardiovascular workouts, as well as weight training at least three days a week will result in a much leaner body.

    Congratulations on taking the first step toward having a body that is healthy, beautiful, lean and toned.Susan Megge is the founder of, a website designed to assist mature women as they approach and experience menopause. Susan, a health and fitness expert, started experiencing symptoms of menopause several years ago and researched various avenues to deal with these symptoms naturally. This led to her discovery of the significant role that exercise plays in making menopause a very manageable, and even wonderful time in a woman's life. Susan Megge is the author of "Being Beautiful Beyond 40," a book dedicated to helping women to be inspired, confident and beautiful as they approach menopause.

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    Wednesday, May 21, 2008

    Exercise Your Way Through Perimenopause

    It?s unfortunate, but most women don?t realize how crucial a role regular fitness and exercise is to reducing many symptoms associated with perimenopause. As women approach menopause they begin to gain weight, especially around their mid-section. This abdominal weight is quite common and the result of declining hormone levels, which may cause the metabolism to slow down significantly.

    As you may know, excessive abdominal weight plays a significant role in contributing to heart disease, the number one killer of middle-aged and older women. Not to worry; the weight you?ve recently gained can be managed quite easily by simply getting into a regular fitness or exercise routine. Fitness and consistent exercise really are the keys to decreasing weight and avoiding the pitfalls of aging. By committing to a regular exercise routine - one which includes weight training - women will change the muscle-to-fat ratio, enabling them to increase their metabolic rate and burn calories, even at rest.

    In addition to weight gain, women in their thirties begin to lose bone mass at a rate of approximately 1% per year. This rate increases to 2%-3% per year after menopause, but studies have shown that exercise can actually increase a woman's bone density, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis and the incidence of falls and bone fractures associated with osteoporosis. Unfortunately, osteoporosis often goes undetected until bone fractures occur, but by taking preventative measures, such as consistently exercising, women can indeed reduce this risk.

    Exercise and fitness can also be beneficial in reducing the incidence of hot flashes, a common symptom women experience as they approach menopause. Hot flashes can contribute to impaired sleep patterns and a decreased energy level. Additionally, hot flashes can also affect one's overall mood, which has the potential to negatively affect both personal and professional relationships. While estrogen replacement therapy has been shown to decrease these symptoms, for many women a regular exercise routine appears to be a very viable alternative.

    In summary, making fitness and exercise a priority will benefit most women who are experiencing symptoms of perimenopause, and the positive results - both physical and emotional - are well worth the extra time you?ll spend once you begin and continue a regular exercise routine. It's easy to make excuses to not make time to ensure that exercise is a priority, but it's crucial to understand that being regularly active will lead to overall good health now and in the future. The only results you'll see from your added physical activity will be those that are extremely beneficial to you and those you love.

    Susan Megge is the founder of, a website designed to assist mature women as they approach and experience menopause. Susan, a health and fitness expert, started experiencing symptoms of menopause several years ago and researched various avenues to deal with these symptoms naturally. This led to her discovery that menopause can be a very manageable, and even wonderful time in a woman's life. Susan Megge is the author of "Being Beautiful Beyond 40", a book dedicated to helping women to be inspired, confident and beautiful as they approach menopause.

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    Premature Menopause Symptoms and Conditions That Cause Early or Premature

    Premature menopause symptoms occur in some women because of genetics, medical procedures or illness. Unlike perimenopause, which is a natural condition that refers to the years leading up to or around menopause, premature menopause refers to menopause that occurs in a woman under the age of 40. Premature menopause symptoms are basically the same as the symptons of menopause.

    Premature menopause symptoms include irregular periods that are heavier or lighter than usual and hot flashes. Some women experience vaginal dryness, irritable bladder or bladder control issues, mood swings, dry skin, sleeplessness and decreased libido. These are typical symptons of menopause; the number and degree of severity that a woman experiences varies.

    Medical procedures that can cause premature menopause include chemotherapy or radiation therapy and surgical removal of the ovaries. Radiation therapy does not always cause premature menopause, as treatment does not always damage the ovaries. Hysterectomy sometimes includes removal of the ovaries, but not in all cases. Surgical procedures performed to treat colon and rectal cancer sometimes involves removal of the ovaries. Cervical cancer that does not respond to surgery and radiation sometimes leads to the removal of most of the organs in the pelvis, including the ovaries.

    Some women appear to be genetically predisposed to premature menopause. If your mother or sister was diagnosed with premature menopause then you should see your doctor if you begin to have any of the symptons of menopause listed above. Premature menopause symptoms are similar to the symptoms caused by numerous other more serious medical conditions. Thus, it is never safe to assume that you are experiencing premature menopause without first consulting your doctor.

    Other conditions that increase the likelihood of premature menopause include Graves? disease, hypothyroidism, lupus or another autoimmune disease in yourself or a family member. Unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant for a year or more could be due to premature menopause. Symptoms can be minor and sometimes unnoticed. If you have concerns consult your doctor. If you interested in information about perimenopause, natural menopause or premenstrual syndrome, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

    Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes informational articles focused on women?s health for the Menopause and PMS Guide. Visit us at

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    Tuesday, May 20, 2008

    Many Alternative Treatments for Menopause are Safe and Effective

    Because of the health risks associated with hormone replacement therapy, many women seek alternative treatments for menopause. Menopause facts are fairly well known, decreasing levels of estrogen in the years leading up to and during menopause cause a number of frustrating symptoms. Some women only experience mild discomfort. Most women experience hot flashes. Some women have night sweats, mood swings, vaginal discomfort, decreased libido, bladder control problems, trouble sleeping, racing heart, headaches and other aches and pains. Dropping estrogen levels can trigger irritability, anxiety, aggressiveness and tearfulness. And, in some cases, women experience their first encounter with major depression.

    Finding alternative treatments for menopause that address all of these symptoms may be difficult. It may be easier to look at each symptom individually.

    Hot Flashes

    The menopause facts accumulated over years of study and research indicate that the majority of women experience hot flashes during menopause. The face and chest feel flushed and warm. The back of the neck feels hot. Increased sweating often occurs. Hot flashes that occur at night are referred to as night sweats and do not appear to be as common as hot flashes, but no recent surveys have been conducted concerning these menopause facts, even though it is a commonly held belief.

    A number of alternative treatments for menopause related hot flashes have been examined for safety and effectiveness. These include acupuncture, nutrient therapy, phytoestrogen supplementation (soy isoflavones, red clover), stress reduction therapy and herbal remedies. The concern expressed by researchers at the Rosenthal Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is that, as of 2003, none of the phytoestrogens and herbal remedies that show promise had been evaluated for long term use. However, numerous studies in the last three years have supported the safety and effectiveness of black cohosh for relief of hot flashes.

    Just one example is the study performed by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, National Center of Excellence in Women?s Health, Chicago, IL. Researchers evaluated accumulated menopause facts from over the years and concluded that ?Black cohosh appears to be one of the most effective botanicals for relief of vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and night sweats)... Many other botanicals have limited evidence to demonstrate safety and efficacy for relief of symptoms related to menopause... Health care providers should discuss these issues with their patients so they can assist them in managing these alternative therapies...? July 2006

    Bladder Control Problems

    Alternative treatments for menopause that address the issue of bladder control problems involve exercises to increase pelvic muscle strength, gradually increasing the bladder?s capacity and reducing caffeinated and artificially sweetened beverages.

    Decreased Libido

    Decreased libido may be related to painful intercourse because of vaginal dryness or changing hormonal levels. According to the menopause facts from a recent PubMed search, not all women experience a decreased sex drive during menopause. In fact some experience an increase in sex drive because the risk of pregnancy has passed and the complication of monthly cycles, birth control and other factors make them feel more relaxed. In other words, decreased libido is not a foregone conclusion.

    If you have experienced a decrease in your sex drive and are looking for alternative treatments for menopause that can improve sensitivity, vaginal secretions and increase libido, please visit the Menopause and PMS guide.

    Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes informational articles focused on women?s health for the Menopause and PMS Guide. Visit us at

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    Monday, May 19, 2008

    Severe Menopause Symptoms Affect Some Women's Relationships

    Most women experience hot flashes and other relatively minor symptoms. Some women suffer from severe menopause symptoms that affect their quality of life, their relationships, their jobs and their overall health. Bleeding during menopause or the time leading up to it may be irregular.

    Women may skip periods for months in a row, only to be surprised by one at the most inconvenient time. Some women experience very heavy menstrual bleeding during the years leading up to menopause, which is technically when a woman has not menstruated for 12 consecutive months.

    Sometimes, when a woman is experiencing severe menopause symptoms like irritability, depression or mood swings that are affecting her relationship with her family or her co-workers, her doctor will recommend hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy may also be recommended for women who are experiencing signs of osteoporosis, vaginal dryness causing painful intercourse and night sweats that are interrupting normal sleep cycles.

    As menopause approaches, the ovaries begin to produce less of the hormone estrogen. Needed during a woman?s reproductive years to thicken the lining of the uterus, estrogen also influences the body?s ability to absorb calcium and use it for rebuilding bones and keeping them strong. It has an influence on cholesterol levels, keeping them normal. And, it is responsible for maintaining the vagina. Without estrogen the walls of the vagina become thin and dry. This can lead to painful intercourse, vaginal tearing and bleeding during menopause after or during sex.

    Estrogen taken alone increases a woman?s risk for cancer of the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. Taking progesterone decreases that risk by causing the endometrium to be shed each month or monthly bleeding during menopause. After taking estrogen and progesterone continuously for several months or more depending on the woman, monthly bleeding during menopause may be lessened or stop completely.

    Although hormone replacement therapy was the treatment of choice for moderate to severe menopause symptoms for many years, the Women?s Health Initiative study indicates that the risks may outweigh the benefits. The benefits, other than relieving severe menopause symptoms, are believed to be a reduced risk of osteoporosis, colon cancer and heart disease. But, the study concluded that long-term hormone replacement therapy actually increased the risk of heart disease, breast cancer, blood clots and stroke.

    In estrogen only therapy, which does not cause bleeding during menopause, there is an increased risk of endometrial cancer, blood clots and stroke, but there appears to be no increased risk of breast cancer or heart disease. Because of the risks, hormone replacement therapy is not recommended as often, nor recommended for long term use. Women who have a family history of certain types of cancer may be discouraged from using it at all. Women who have had breast cancer are generally discouraged, as well.

    Since many women can not take hormone replacement therapy or choose not to, researchers have evaluated some of the herbs and plants that were used historically to relieve hot flashes and other more severe menopause symptoms. Black cohosh, among others was found to be effective. To learn more about black cohosh and other alternatives to hormone replacement therapy, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

    Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes informational articles focused on women?s health for the Menopause and PMS Guide. Visit us at

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    Friday, May 16, 2008

    Perimenopause Symptoms and Solutions

    Have you recently noticed that you?re gaining weight around your abdomen or mid-section, you?re not as energetic as you once were, your periods are somewhat irregular and you simply have an overall feeling of ?blah?? If so, there?s a good chance that you?re experiencing symptoms of perimenopause (the transitional period leading to menopause). In fact, hormone fluctuations during perimenopause can result in many of the symptoms you?re noticing.

    As with many women?s conditions, the onset of perimenopause can affect every woman differently, and symptoms can range from being very mild and hardly noticeable, to extremely severe and uncomfortable. Common symptoms of perimenopause include hot flashes or night sweats, difficulty sleeping through the night, weight gain (especially around the mid-section), vaginal dryness, mood swings or depression and feelings of confusion. Most women don?t experience all symptoms associated with perimenopause, but it?s quite likely that you?ll notice at least some changes occurring as you approach menopause.

    Believe it or not, there are remedies available to reduce these symptoms, resulting in a much more comfortable and even enjoyable transition as you enter the menopausal years. If you?re like many women, there?s a good chance that you?ll want to do all you can to reduce the severity of your symptoms by making a few simple lifestyle changes. For instance, if you?re experiencing hot flashes, try to avoid triggers that can contribute to the frequency and/or severity of this uncomfortable symptom. Many women have reported that consuming hot or spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine can bring on hot flashes. Also, if you?re feeling stressed or simply find yourself in a warm room you may notice that there?s a greater likelihood that you?ll experience hot flashes. If this is the case, do what you can to avoid these triggers. If you can, try to get into a regular exercise routine, as physical activity and exercise have been shown to reduce the incidence of hot flashes.

    If you?ve noticed that your sleep patterns are no longer patterns at all, but instead broken and interrupted periods of restless sleep, there?s a good chance this can be blamed on your declining hormone levels as well. If you want a good night?s sleep (and who doesn?t?) it?s a good idea to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Don?t, however, do so near your bedtime. Similarly, you?ll want to avoid smoking, consuming large meals and working right before you turn in for the night. It?s recommended that you keep your bedroom dark, quiet and cool so that you?re more likely to stay asleep once you?ve gone to bed. If you should happen to wake during the night, it?s a good idea to get up and read until you?re sleepy enough to fall back to sleep.

    If you?ve experienced mood swings associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), there?s an increased chance that you?re sensitive to hormone changes and will, therefore, probably notice some moodiness and memory problems as you begin to experience symptoms associated with perimenopause. Staying active and getting a sufficient amount of sleep will certainly help to alleviate these symptoms. Not only has exercise been proven to reduce or eliminate several perimenopausal symptoms, but it has been my own personal savior as I began gaining weight, experiencing night sweats and becoming moody and lethargic. When I began a regular exercise routine, one which included weight bearing exercises, the overall improvement in my physical and emotional states was absolutely astonishing.

    Of course, some women will simply need to turn to other solutions to eliminate or lessen the severity of perimenopause symptoms. Vitamin E and some herbs have been known to reduce the incidence and severity of hot flashes. If you should choose to consider vitamins and herbs to assist with your symptoms, it?s a good idea to work closely with someone who is quite familiar with herbs and vitamins to ensure that you adjust your dosages as needed.

    Hormone replacement therapy can help women who are experiencing more severe and difficult symptoms of perimenopause. As with many treatments, hormone therapy poses some risks, in addition to the possible benefits. It?s best to discuss the benefits and risks of hormone therapy with your doctor so that you?re better able to make a well-informed decision regarding this treatment. If you should decide to use hormone therapy, try to use the lowest dose that helps you, and for the shortest period of time needed.

    Remind yourself that this can be the start of a wonderful period in your life. Treat your body well and the results will include a healthy, beautiful and energetic you.

    Susan Megge is the founder of, a website designed to assist mature women as they approach and experience menopause. Susan, a health and fitness expert, started experiencing symptoms of menopause several years ago and researched various avenues to deal with these symptoms naturally. This led to her discovery that menopause can be a very manageable, and even wonderful time in a woman's life. Susan Megge is the author of "Being Beautiful Beyond 40", a book dedicated to helping women to be inspired, confident and beautiful as they approach menopause.

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    Hot Flashes Are The Most Common Symptoms Of Menopause - But Relief

    Hot flashes are symptoms of menopause, but may begin several years before menstruation actually stops and can last for several years afterwards. A hot flash may occur at any time of the day, but there are certain triggers that can worsen the severity and increase the frequency.

    Doctors do not know exactly what causes hot flashes. They are considered a ?vasomotor? symptom, because dilation of the blood vessels and changes in circulation are involved. They are believed to be directly related to decreasing estrogen production by the ovaries, a natural part of the aging process. Since, estrogen replacement therapy relieves hot flashes; lack of estrogen is probably the cause.

    When a hot flash occurs at night, usually referred to as night sweats, it can interrupt a woman?s sleep, leading to insomnia, decreasing energy levels and overall sense of well being. A recent study indicates that the majority of peri-menopausal women do not feel that hot flashes affect their quality of life as much as emotional changes and mood swings, but mood swings sometimes trigger hot flashes. When a person is angry or frustrated, body temperature raises and anything that raises body temperature can trigger a hot flash.

    Sometimes referred to as hot flushes, these sudden changes in body temperature are not believed to threaten a woman?s health. No medical treatment is required, unless they happen frequently, are severe or disruptive to a woman?s life. Most women can get relief by using an herbal supplement called black cohosh. This herb was used historically by Native American healers to correct symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, to help regulate menstrual cycles, as a diuretic and a mild sedative.

    Research has shown that women get as much relief from hot flashes when using black cohosh as they do from estrogen replacement. It is highly recommended for women who can not risk estrogen replacement therapy, because of previous cancers or other concerns. Because, the Women?s Health Initiative found that the health benefits of hormone replacement therapy do not outweigh the risks, most doctors no longer recommend this treatment unless numerous symptoms are present and are severely impairing a woman?s ability to function, her relationships or her quality of life. Black cohosh, on the other hand, is being recommended more and more.

    There are a number of substances that can trigger hot flashes. Experts advise women to avoid caffeine, salt, alcohol and nicotine. Spicy foods can also bring on a hot flash. For more information about the symptoms associated with menopause and ways to relieve them, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

    Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes health related informational articles for the Menopause and PMS guide. Please visit to learn more about menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

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    Thursday, May 15, 2008

    What Is The Best Diet During Menopause - The Answers Are Here

    What is the best diet during menopause? Many of the answers are related to phytoestrogens and menopause symptom relief. It may all seem a bit redundant, but I wanted to provide as much information as I could in an easy to understand format. There are so many factors to consider when designing a diet for menopause. The truth of the matter is that this is a health diet that can be used in the years leading up to menopause, follows the recommendations of the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society and can be easily followed for life.

    What is the best diet during menopause to prevent osteoporosis?

    Low fat sources of calcium, include milk, yogurt and cheese, but can also be found in non-dairy foods, such as fish, spinach, broccoli, kale, some legumes and soybean products. Whenever the subject of phytoestrogens and menopause comes up, you will usually see references to soy isoflavones, which brings us to the next question.

    What is the best diet during menopause to relieve hot flashes?

    Hot flashes are related to decreasing levels of estrogen. Some plants have compounds that have estrogen-like effects on the body. These compounds are called phytoestrogens. It is believed that the effectiveness of black cohosh for relieving hot flashes is related to the phytoestrogens in the plant. It is known that soy isoflavones are phytoestrogens and menopause symptoms like hot flashes may be relieved by increasing or adding soy into a woman?s diet.

    What is the best diet during menopause to prevent weight gain?

    Low in fat, rich in complex carbohydrates like vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low in simple carbs like sugar, white bread, white rice, etc...

    What is the best diet during menopause to improve sleep?

    Soy (again) comes out close to the top for its high tryptophan content. Tryptophan is an amino acid that aids the body in the absorption of protein and the production of serotonin. Serotonin transmits signals among nerve endings in the brain and body and is important in regulating sleep cycles. Increasing foods in the diet that contain tryptophan can improve the quality of your sleep. Other than soy, the best dietary sources of tryptophan are chicken breast, yellow fin tuna, beef tenderloin, lamb loin, turkey breast, halibut, shrimp, salmon and snapper. However, beef tenderloin and lamb loin are high in fat and both the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association recommend that you avoid red meat. Studies have shown that carbohydrates increase serotonin levels, as well, which may be why women crave simple carbs during PMS.

    What is the best diet during menopause to increase energy?

    We need carbohydrates for energy. Although most of the recent research has focused on the effectiveness of phytoestrogens and menopause relief and many of the popular diets are ?low-carb?, if you do not get enough complex carbohydrates in your diet, then you will be tired. When you are tired, you are more likely to grab something sweet. This will backfire and you will end up even more tired. The whole thing becomes a vicious cycle. It is also important to make sure that you get enough B-complex vitamins in your diet. Broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables are good sources of B vitamins. Cottage cheese is another good choice.

    What is the best diet during menopause to improve mood?

    This question leads back to tryptophan, carbohydrates and possibly phytoestrogens. Anything that increases levels of serotonin improves mood. It is not only important in regulating sleep cycles, but mood, as well. Studies have shown that it also affects appetite and may help women avoid gaining weight during and after menopause.

    What is the best diet during menopause, overall?

    Expert opinions do not always agree when it comes to phytoestrogens and menopause and research is on-going. At this time, all of the research indicates that dietary sources of phytoestrogens are safe and effective. Experts do agree that for overall good health during menopause and throughout life, the best diet is low in fat and rich in ?nutrient dense? foods, which are foods that contain lots of vitamins and minerals, but not a lot of calories. The best food selections are soy (found in meat-less burgers, tofu and many other items, including flour), chicken breast, turkey breast, tuna, shrimp, salmon and other fish, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale and other fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Oatmeal and other whole grains, wild rice, nuts and seeds.

    Go easy on the salt. Limit your caffeine. A recent study showed that women who drink four or more caramel colored sodas (coke, pepsi, etc) per week have more osteoporosis than women who don?t. Don?t smoke, limit alcohol and watch the spicy foods. Alcohol, caffeine, salt and spicy foods can all trigger hot flashes and worsen their intensity. For the answers to more questions about diet, vitamin supplements, phytoestrogens and menopause, please visit the Menopause and PMS guide.

    Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes health related informational articles for the Menopause and PMS guide. Please visit to learn more about menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

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    Monday, May 12, 2008

    Early Menopause Signs/Symptoms Can Be Relieved

    Early menopause signs, symptoms and complaints vary from one woman to the next, as does the age at which a woman begins to experience them. Menopause symtoms can be frustrating or challenging, but a positive attitude helps.

    According to a survey conducted in September of 2006 by Johns Hopkins the menopause symtoms that significantly affect a woman?s assessment of her quality of life are mood changes and feeling tense. The women who participated in the study were asked about hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sore joints, bladder control problems and headache, but, interestingly, the majority of the women did not feel that these symptoms affected their quality of life.

    Mood changes that are commonly reported as early menopause signs, symptoms and complaints include increased feelings of frustration, irritability and sadness. Some women even experience mild depression for the first time in their lives. Women who have had problems with depression or anxiety in the past are even more susceptible to becoming depressed once again.

    Doctors, scientists and researchers are not sure what causes depression during menopause. It could be related to changing hormonal levels. Women have a higher risk than men of experiencing a major depressive period at some point in their life. Most experts believe this is all related to the, sometimes drastically changing hormonal levels that accompany pregnancy, childbirth, monthly cycles and menopause. Symtoms of depression should always be discussed with your health care professional.

    Many different therapies can reduce tension and stress. Most of them, you can do on your own, without prescription medication or hormone replacement therapy. Stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, deep muscle relaxation and yoga can all relieve tension. As can regular exercise of any type. If you are not accustomed to regular exercise, it is always advisable to check with your doctor, particularly if you are overweight or have other health issues. In general, most women can safely begin an exercise regimen of 20 minutes, every other day, gradually increasing to 30 minutes every day.

    Aerobic exercise is probably the best natural stress reliever. And, studies have shown that women who are under a great deal of unrelieved stress have more severe early menopause signs, symptoms and complaints. Chronic stress can, over time, lead to depression. Regular exercise can relieve depressed feelings and possible prevent the necessity of further treatment.

    Some women begin to have early menopause signs, symptoms and complaints in their late thirties. Changes in menstrual periods and more severe premenstrual symptoms may be related to menopause. If a woman stops menstruating before the age of 40, it is considered premature menopause. Sometimes this happens naturally and may be a result of genetics. In other cases it is caused by treatment for a medical condition, such as removal of the ovaries due to cancer. Women who experience an unnatural premature menopause typically have more severe menopause symtoms and medication is often necessary.

    To learn more about early menopause signs, symptoms and ways to improve or relieve your symptoms, please visit the Menopause and PMS guide.

    Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes health related informational articles for the Menopause and PMS guide. Please visit to learn more about menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

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    Sunday, May 11, 2008

    Know Menopause and Symptoms - But What Should One Know?

    To know menopause and symptoms, one should understand healthy and normal menopause symptoms and unhealthy health conditions.

    To know menopause and symptoms means realizing that as a woman ages, the reproductive system will slow and eventually shut down. The woman's regular menstrual cycle will become lighter and less frequent and will eventually cease functioning. This menopause symptom is normal and expected when the woman is in her late 40's or early 50's.

    The problem is -- a woman should know menopause and symptoms that mean there are underlying health problems, the most common being a condition called 'hormone imbalance'. Certain symptoms of menopause are signs that health problems exist that should be corrected. If not, the woman is at higher risk for more serious health problems.

    Here are examples of such symptoms:

    1 - A craving for sweets and/or carbohydrates, accompanied by fluctuating blood sugar levels

    2 - Hair growth on the face

    3 - Loss of hair or thinning hair

    4 - Sluggishness, lack of energy

    5 - Urinary tract infections or yeast infections

    6 - Fibroids

    7 - Weight gain, especially in the hips, waist and stomach, with no change in dietary habits

    To know menopause and symptoms, one should know that many women in the western industrialized countries experience one or more of these symptoms of menopause much earlier than the average age of menopause which is about 51 in the USA. A crucial question that should be answered is -- what is a leading cause of menopause symptoms in women?

    The answer is related to hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalance can be caused by stress, obesity, poor nutrition, excess estrogen and the lack of ovulation and progesterone. Is it possible to know menopause and symptoms and the role of hormone imbalance in causing premature menopause symptoms? The answer is -- YES!

    There is an online test for a woman's hormone health related to menopause and symptoms that can indicate hormones are out of balance. The most frequent condition is too much estrogen and too little progesterone, the two basic hormones required for a healthy woman. This health test has been developed by a leading womens health clinic, it is used in their practice every day, it's available to women online and is free.

    If you're a woman in your 30's, 40's or older and you sense your health is not what it should be, take the womens health test online and see what the clinic recommends for your health situation. Understanding what is healthy and normal and what is not is vital when the issue is your energy, your health and well-being.

    Copyright 2006 InfoSearch Publishing

    Know menopause and symptoms that are signs that the online hormone health test should be taken to see what might be recommended by the womens health clinic appropriate for your symptoms, your age and health conditions. For men, read more about the male menopause symptoms and natural treatments for improving health. 

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    Friday, May 9, 2008

    Is There Really A Male Menopause Or Is It Just A Myth?

    Many men experience many emotional health changes as they reach middle age. Many have revelations that many aspirations from earlier on in life were not quite what he expected. He may begin to feel like there isn't anything to look forward to anymore in his life. Many women state they can tell their partner is experiencing a change in life, though the fact is it is probably a psychological change rather than a physiological one.

    Today, many men believe they should have the ability to maintain the same sexual performance that they did at a younger age. They expect the routine will be the same, and with little complications, from foreplay and erections to ejaculation and orgasm. Of course things change, and most bodily functions (such as sex drive) vary from day to day, so the probability that they will not live up to this standard is likely. In fact, many men especially middle age men believe they are underachieving, sexually speaking.

    It is essential for both men and their partner to realize that sexual performance varies, occasionally. There are no set standards when it comes to sex, and both parties should understand that, and not have expectations. A considerate and sympathetic partner is very beneficial to potency continuation in the male.

    The male testosterone is crucial in male development. Beginning in the mid-forties, serum testosterone levels tend to decline as age increases. Another thing, which declines, is the weight and size of the testicles. In fact, when compared with 30 something year olds, 70 year old males are generally expected to have about 50 percent of the testosterone concentration.

    Almost all older men still have a normal range of serum testosterone levels, though. In men who demonstrate a variety of levels in erectile ability, testosterone levels usually fall within normal range. This indicates that testosterone itself is not generally a cause of impotence, though I can cause a lack of sexual interest.

    Scientists may disagree about male menopause, but when it comes to middle aged men, very few doubt that it does, in fact, exist though the term menopause is actually a misnomer when it is applied to men. Women's ovaries shut down during menopause, and men's reproductive glands do not. Male menopause is gradual, and not universal, while female menopause is quicker and pretty much inevitable. Women experience a sudden decline in estrogen, and men only lose about .5% of testosterone annually (beginning around age 40), and rarely reach a level below what is considered healthy. It also does not affect fertility.

    Men do have some symptoms of menopause, but it seems to be less biology, and more lifestyle. This is when their habits (smoking, fatty foods etc) catch up with them, they feel vulnerable, realize life is not infinite, and have problems coping. This can result in impotence, muscle loss, depression and stress (which can also inhibit testosterone release).

    Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as natural male Enhancement at

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    Relieve Menopause Hot Flashes Naturally

    One of the most common symptoms of menopause, hot flashes are not something that must be tolerated. A cure for hot flashes, hot flushes or night sweats is not that hard to find. You just have to know where to look. However, products that help relieve menopause hot flashes for some women may not work for others. So, here we look at several herbal remedies that may be beneficial. Because of the health risks associated with hormone replacement therapy, natural remedies are becoming increasingly popular. Herbs and plants may not be a "new" cure for hot flashes, but they are effective, nonetheless. And we do know a lot more about them than we did at one time, so we do have "new" ways to look at them.

    Hot flashes, hot flushes and night sweats are three different names for the same physical reaction to decreasing levels of estrogen. They may begin years before actual menopause and last for several years afterwards. The frequency and severity varies from one woman to the next. Researchers often describe them as "vasomotor" symptoms, because blood vessels and circulation are involved.

    Typically the heat begins in a woman's chest, travels up the neck to the face and head. When they occur at night, they may interrupt a woman's sleep, increasing levels of fatigue and sometimes leading to insomnia. From the experiences of other women, we know that caffeine, alcohol, tobacco products and spicy foods can trigger them, as can anger, frustration and irritation. Regular exercise and drinking plenty of water seems to help.

    Black cohosh has been the cure for hot flashes for many women. More research has been done concerning the effectiveness and safety of black cohosh than on any of the other herbs that can help menopause hot flushes. But, if you have tried it and it doesn't work for you, there are other alternatives.

    Scientists are still unsure why black cohosh relieves hot flashes, but evaluations of the chemical compounds of other plants have revealed an estrogen-like substance, aptly named phytoestrogens. Isoflavones are one type of phytoestrogen. If you read the ingredients on a remedy for hot flushes, you may see "soy isoflavones" or "isoflavones from red clover". These may help menopause hot flashes because they have an estrogen like effect on a woman's body. Some researchers have been concerned that isoflavones or phytoestrogens could have the same side effects as synthetic estrogens used in hormone replacement therapy. So, here's what we know about the risks associated with long term use of synthetic hormones.

    We know that estrogen replacement therapy can cause endometrial cancer. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus and estrogen causes the lining to build up, which, without menstruation, frequently led to cancer. Thus, doctors would prescribe an estrogen-progesterone combination therapy. The progesterone would cause the lining to be shed each month, leading to a return of monthly periods, and decreasing the cancer risk. For years, this "combination" hormone therapy was the most commonly recommended cure for hot flashes and other symptoms associated with menopause.

    As with many medical treatments, the risks turned up with long term use of this type of therapy. The Women's Health Initiative recently concluded a seven year study of women using hormone replacement therapies of both types. The conclusion is that hormone replacement therapy of any type increases a woman's risk for blood clots and stroke. Combination therapy, which was thought to be safer than estrogen only, actually added the increased health risks of heart disease and breast cancer. An even longer study (more than twenty years) performed by Harvard scientists found that estrogen only increased breast cancer risks when used for more than 15 years. Typically a woman would not use hormone replacement therapy to relieve menopause hot flashes and other symptoms for many years, but when the risks are blood clots, heart disease and stroke, even short term use is rarely recommended as a cure for hot flashes.

    While no long term studies have been conducted concerning women who use phytoestrogens or isoflavones to help relieve menopause hot flashes, short term clinical studies have revealed their effectiveness, lack of side effects and safety. Even the idea that phytoestrogens, which are found in soy beans, a health food, might not be safe for long term use seems silly. People eat soy all of the time and have for many, many years.

    Red clover, the other most commonly used source of isoflavones, is grown for animal feed. Native Americans used the flower for tea and chewed the leaves raw. Healers used it to treat liver ailments, gall bladder ailments, ulcers, diabetes, tonsillitis, internal cancer, appendicitis, headaches and as a cure for hot flashes and other symptoms related to changing levels of hormones and aging.

    Scientific research and the experiences of other women tell us that black cohosh helps relieve menopause hot flashes. Laboratory tests have revealed that black cohosh has no effect on even estrogen sensitive cancer cell lines. But, if this cure for hot flashes does not work for you, try soy or red clover isoflavones. All of our scientific and historical knowledge indicates that these are safe. For information about a woman's supplement that contains both black cohosh and isoflavones at a reasonable price, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

    Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for more than twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes informational articles for the Menopause and PMS Guide. Read more at

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    Wednesday, May 7, 2008

    Surgical Menopause

    If you?re facing menopause as a result of a surgical procedure, you?re not alone. As a matter of fact, approximately 36,000 women under the age of 45 undergo total hysterectomies each year, causing them to enter into ?surgical menopause.?

    Unlike natural menopause ? even early menopause ? which is gradual, surgical menopause results in a sudden (and permanent) drop in estrogen and androgens, which can often contribute to extremely severe menopausal symptoms. Those symptoms include hot flashes, fatigue, sexual dysfunction, depression, migraine headaches, vaginal dryness and cardiovascular symptoms. Many women have reported hot flashes so severe, their ability to function as they should was significantly affected.

    While lifestyle changes can assist many women experiencing these symptoms, most will require hormone therapy, which can also protect you from an increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. In addition to estrogen/progesterone therapy, testosterone therapy may also be needed if you have very little energy, are extremely tired and experiencing a loss of sexual desire. Surgical menopause significantly reduces your body?s production of androgens, which can severely affect your sexual drive and function. Also, the drop in estrogen may result in vaginal changes, such as dryness, which can make intercourse quite painful and uncomfortable.

    If you feel that you would benefit from testosterone therapy, discuss this option with your health care provider. Typically, testosterone is dispensed in the form of pills, patches, creams and gels. There is also an estrogen/testosterone product available for women, which researchers believe is extremely beneficial for treating sexual dysfunction.

    To reduce the risks of heart disease and osteoporosis, be sure to live a lifestyle that is ?heart healthy.? In other words, try your best to maintain a healthy weight by eating a healthy diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Also, get in the habit of exercising regularly, including both cardiovascular and weight training as part of your workout. It?s a good idea to exercise for approximately 60 minutes, at least three days per week. A healthy lifestyle will ensure that you?ll remain young, healthy, energetic and happy.

    Susan Megge is the founder of, a website designed to assist women as they approach and experience menopause. Susan, a health and fitness expert started experiencing symptoms of menopause several years ago and researched various avenues to deal with these symptoms naturally. This led to her discovery that menopause can be a very manageable, and even wonderful time in a woman's life. Susan Megge is the author of "Being Beautiful Beyond 40," a book dedicated to helping women to be inspired, confident and beautiful as they approach menopause.


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    Coping With Menopause

    As sure as death and taxes, menopause will occur to every woman at a certain point in their lives. It is a very traumatic experience for every woman that experiences it.

    Technically, menopause is the stage in a woman?s life when her body stops producing eggs and her ability to bear children ends.

    Although menopause usually takes place between the ages of forty to fifty years old, it can occur at anytime in a woman?s life.

    There are many symptoms of menopause. Some are uncomfortable, such as hot and cold sweats, and irregularity in sleeping, as well as weight gain and muscle pain. The more moderate symptoms include mood swings, irritability, becoming increasingly emotional or depression.

    Many women feel that menopause is the worst thing in the world. They can no longer bear children and they fall into a deep depression. There are other women who welcome menopause. With their families and careers established, they embrace the fact that they will no longer have to deal with monthly cramps and all that goes with it.

    The most important thing that a woman can do to get through menopause is to be informed. Four thousand women start menopause every day. More than one third of these women have no idea what is happening to them.

    There are many treatments for the symptoms of menopause. Some involve the use of estrogen to replace what the body has lost. Anti-depressants are prescribed when a woman has emotional issues that she cannot deal with.

    There are some women who have chosen to use natural and herbal remedies to ease the symptoms of menopause. However, there are some herbal remedies that can counteract medication for other illnesses. This makes it crucial that you discuss anything that you intend to take with your doctor.

    Menopause does not have to be the worst time in a woman?s life. It is a journey into the next plain of life. By working with your doctor, you can greatly reduce the symptoms of menopause and make them more manageable.

    Ruth Kelly is a writer and administrator for Menopause Discuss, a site that specializes in menopause.


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    Monday, May 5, 2008

    Men Dealing With Women's Menopause Symptoms

    Some of the changes and symptoms women encounter as they approach menopause can be difficult to withstand, and it's not unusual to wonder if you'll ever feel "normal" again. Not only are you dealing with physical symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, irregular periods and weight gain, but there are many emotional changes that take place as a result of declining hormone levels.

    You may experience moodiness, depression or feelings of sadness and hopelessness. If this is the case, there's a strong likelihood that your mate is feeling somewhat confused by your behavior and may be left wondering if you still love him and want to spend the rest of your life with him.

    If your husband or partner is anything like mine, it's not likely that he'll research information that's available to him in order to figure out what's happening within your body and how it may be affecting your emotions. If men don't have the answers, how will they respond to the "foreign" you?

    Unfortunately, men respond to women's hormonal balances using many different approaches that aren't always the most effective. Some men simply ignore the problem and hope it will go away, while others may be overbearing and treat their partner as if she's emotionally fragile and incapable of dealing with life.

    The relationship problems couples face during midlife, in most cases, really is usually a lack of communication due to the misunderstanding that results from hormonal imbalances and behavior changes in women approaching menopause.

    If you find that you're facing some challenges in your relationship due to hormone fluctuations, and you don't honestly see your mate taking the time or initiative to figure out what may be happening, it may be a good idea to tape the following messages to your refrigerator, mirror, tool box or other area where he's sure to take notice.

    1.If your wife or partner is feeling undesirable (and there's a good chance that this may occur often during this transition), it may be automatic for you to express how beautiful she is. Unfortunately, she is not likely to believe you. Don't let this become a slammed door, however; continue to be loving, kind and supportive consistently and eventually she will trust that you really do find her desirable.

    2.Since your wife is not feeling sexy as a result of the weight she has likely gained during this period in her life, please don't let your eyes pop out of your head when a young sexy woman appears on TV or passes by you in a restaurant. And worse yet, avoid the temptation to flirt with younger women. This behavior is insensitive and uncalled for, and only adds to an already strained relationship.

    3.When you think your wife is behaving irrationally, remember that she's not crazy and zip it! That's right - just keep your thoughts to yourself because oftentimes what men view as irrational, women do not.

    4.When your wife has something she'd like to tell you, listen! Don't dismiss her, even if you've heard this same story over and over again. It's important to your wife to have a partner - one with whom she can communicate. If it's tempting to interrupt her, take a moment to put yourself in her shoes and decide how you would feel if your every thought or emotion were brushed off as if it meant nothing.

    5.There's a strong possibility that your wife's sex drive is not what it once was. This is confusing and scary for your wife, and may very well add to her moodiness. As a matter of fact, it's not unusual for women to find fault with their spouses in order to feel justified in not having the desire to have sex. Openly communicate with your wife about this, and make an effort to work together to remedy this problem so that your sex life can become rejuvenated. A healthy sex life contributes to your overall physical health, as well as the health of your relationship.

    6.Let your wife know she can count on you. Perhaps she's feeling overwhelmed with a busy schedule and a tired body. Put down the newspaper or the remote control and pick up a broom. You'll be amazed by her positive reaction and what results to which your desire to help may lead.

    7.Stop at the store on your way home from work and pick up a romantic card or a bouquet of flowers. Don't wait for your wife to suggest going out to dinner; go ahead and be assertive and simply tell her the two of you are going out on a nice little date.

    8.Your wife may be doing a lot of complaining lately; you can encourage her to stop complaining by giving her reasons to know she's lucky to have you in her life.

    9.Make your wife laugh - even if you need to be the butt of your own jokes (better you than her).

    10.Finally, express your love for your wife and let her know that you understand this may be a rough ride for her and you want to do whatever you can to pave the road for a smooth transition into menopause.

    While it's important for your spouse to be understanding and sympathetic to your needs during this transitional period, it's also important that you do all you can to take care of yourself - both physically and emotionally. Be sure to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get plenty of rest and take time for yourself.

    If you're sure to do all you can to remain healthy, there's no doubt that you will feel beautiful, youthful and full of energy - your absolute best - as you approach menopause.

    Susan Megge is the founder of, a website designed to assist women as they approach and experience menopause. Susan, a health and fitness expert started experiencing symptoms of perimenopause and menopause several years ago and researched various avenues to deal with these symptoms naturally.

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    Saturday, May 3, 2008

    Men Dealing With Women?s Menopause Symptoms

    Some of the changes and symptoms women encounter as they approach menopause can be difficult to withstand, and it?s not unusual to wonder if you?ll ever feel ?normal? again. Not only are you dealing with physical symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, irregular periods and weight gain, but there are many emotional changes that take place as a result of declining hormone levels.

    You may experience moodiness, depression or feelings of sadness and hopelessness. If this is the case, there?s a strong likelihood that your mate is feeling somewhat confused by your behavior and may be left wondering if you still love him and want to spend the rest of your life with him.

    If your husband or partner is anything like mine, it?s not likely that he?ll research information that?s available to him in order to figure out what?s happening within your body and how it may be affecting your emotions. If men don?t have the answers, how will they respond to the ?foreign? you?

    Unfortunately, men respond to women?s hormonal balances using many different approaches that aren?t always the most effective. Some men simply ignore the problem and hope it will go away, while others may be overbearing and treat their partner as if she?s emotionally fragile and incapable of dealing with life.

    The relationship problems couples face during midlife, in most cases, really is usually a lack of communication due to the misunderstanding that results from hormonal imbalances and behavior changes in women approaching menopause.

    If you find that you?re facing some challenges in your relationship due to hormone fluctuations, and you don?t honestly see your mate taking the time or initiative to figure out what may be happening, it may be a good idea to tape the following messages to your refrigerator, mirror, tool box or other area where he?s sure to take notice.

    1.If your wife or partner is feeling undesirable (and there?s a good chance that this may occur often during this transition), it may be automatic for you to express how beautiful she is. Unfortunately, she is not likely to believe you. Don?t let this become a slammed door, however; continue to be loving, kind and supportive consistently and eventually she will trust that you really do find her desirable.

    2.Since your wife is not feeling sexy as a result of the weight she has likely gained during this period in her life, please don?t let your eyes pop out of your head when a young sexy woman appears on TV or passes by you in a restaurant. And worse yet, avoid the temptation to flirt with younger women. This behavior is insensitive and uncalled for, and only adds to an already strained relationship.

    3.When you think your wife is behaving irrationally, remember that she?s not crazy and zip it! That?s right ? just keep your thoughts to yourself because oftentimes what men view as irrational, women do not.

    4.When your wife has something she?d like to tell you, listen! Don?t dismiss her, even if you?ve heard this same story over and over again. It?s important to your wife to have a partner ? one with whom she can communicate. If it?s tempting to interrupt her, take a moment to put yourself in her shoes and decide how you would feel if your every thought or emotion were brushed off as if it meant nothing.

    5.There?s a strong possibility that your wife?s sex drive is not what it once was. This is confusing and scary for your wife, and may very well add to her moodiness. As a matter of fact, it?s not unusual for women to find fault with their spouses in order to feel justified in not having the desire to have sex. Openly communicate with your wife about this, and make an effort to work together to remedy this problem so that your sex life can become rejuvenated. A healthy sex life contributes to your overall physical health, as well as the health of your relationship.

    6.Let your wife know she can count on you. Perhaps she?s feeling overwhelmed with a busy schedule and a tired body. Put down the newspaper or the remote control and pick up a broom. You?ll be amazed by her positive reaction and what results to which your desire to help may lead.

    7.Stop at the store on your way home from work and pick up a romantic card or a bouquet of flowers. Don?t wait for your wife to suggest going out to dinner; go ahead and be assertive and simply tell her the two of you are going out on a nice little date.

    8.Your wife may be doing a lot of complaining lately; you can encourage her to stop complaining by giving her reasons to know she?s lucky to have you in her life.

    9.Make your wife laugh ? even if you need to be the butt of your own jokes (better you than her).

    10.Finally, express your love for your wife and let her know that you understand this may be a rough ride for her and you want to do whatever you can to pave the road for a smooth transition into menopause.

    While it?s important for your spouse to be understanding and sympathetic to your needs during this transitional period, it?s also important that you do all you can to take care of yourself ? both physically and emotionally. Be sure to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get plenty of rest and take time for yourself.

    If you?re sure to do all you can to remain healthy, there?s no doubt that you will feel beautiful, youthful and full of energy ? your absolute best ? as you approach menopause.

    Susan Megge is the founder of, a website designed to assist women as they approach and experience menopause. Susan, a health and fitness expert started experiencing symptoms of perimenopause and menopause several years ago and researched various avenues to deal with these symptoms naturally.

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    Thursday, May 1, 2008

    Instant Relief From Early Menopause Symptoms And Heart Palpitations

    Do you know menopause symptoms and heart palpitations go hand in glove? Although Menopause isn't a disease, it can complicate your health if you are careless or do not know menopause. It can cause a health problem known as heart palpitation or rapid heart beat.

    If you haven't experienced it then you won't be able to imagine what it feels like for your heart to skip a beat as one of early menopause symptoms.

    A major problem precipitated by menopause is a prolapsed heart. When you become menopausal it is advisable to regularly consult with your physician to check for a partial deformity of your heart valve. Know that this heart condition causes prolapsed heart during menopause.

    Heart palpitation is one of early menopause symptoms in which the heart races repeatedly as if it will not stop. This condition is extremely uncomfortable and frightening. It is brought about by the heart experiencing premature contractions which make it beat twice as quickly, pumping more blood to the heart. You have to know menopause in order to be able to control it.

    The moment you begin to feel early menopause symptoms, you should avoid stress, and the anxiety that comes from irregular menstruation. It is one of the early menopause symptoms.

    Other symptoms, are tinnitus or ringing in the ear, sleeplessness or insomnia, depression and panic attacks from ordinary household noises. Like the yelling by children. Hot flashes, night sweats and dry vagina are also early menopause symptoms. If you know menopause you will be able to handle most of these problems without suffering unduly.

    Know that relaxation, exercise and sleep are good for you during early menopause symptoms and menopause proper. These will help keep your hormones from going wild, especially your cortisol. It can go up twenty fold when you are stressed. A raised cortisol level is dangerous for your heart. It makes it beat faster. This action overworks your heart and causes you discomfort. It is one of the early menopause symptoms.

    Research has also shown that increased cortisol hastens both diabetes and high blood pressure in menopausal women. To know all these is to know menopause.

    The bottom line for you, therefore, is to know how to rearrange your lifestyle as soon as or even before early menopause symptoms appear.

    You must also appreciate nutrition. It is crucial at middle age because it will help your body to produce more hormones to augment your depleting hormone levels. Hormone depletion is the cause of early menopause symptoms and menopause proper.

    Exercise will also help you burn calories and strengthen your bones to keep osteoporosis at bay. Osteoporosis is a result of thinning and spongy bones due to calcium deficiency.

    Well written guides on how to get instant relief from early menopause symptoms are available online in ebook forms. They will teach you to know that Menopause is a manageable middle age crisis, and how to control it.

    Menopause does not, in 90% of cases, last all through the remainder of your life. Most women graduate from menopause at age 51 or there about. How much you suffer from early menopause symptoms and the duration of your menopause will also greatly depend on your knowledge and lifestyle.

    Just prepare yourself to know menopause and you will go through it without undue suffering.

    Neshah writes for your sound health, get instant menopause relief resorces at any of the these links:, or

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