Friday, August 31, 2007

Menopause and Incontinence

Menopause can bring uncomfortable symptoms such as incontinence in several different forms. Even younger women experience occasional bouts of urinary leakage during pregnancy, after childbirth, and sometimes even during sex. But menses seems to bring out more occasions of uncontrollable incontinence.

This inability to control your bladder can happen when you put pressure on yourself by wrenching your gut due to laughing or yelling, sneezing and coughing. The condition worsens if your bladder is full. Incontinence can also feel like a strong, uncontrollable urge to pass urine resulting in continuous leakage. Sometimes the sound of running water can trigger this urge.

There is also overflow incontinence. No matter how many times you frequent the restroom and urinate, there are always some urine leaked. This is a result of function of the nerve supply to the bladder being impaired and the consequence is a distended bladder that leak when over filled. Women with this condition do not feel the urge top ass urine. Delaying the need to pass urine can cause this type of incontinence.

If you experience continuous incontinence, there is leakage of urine more or less all of the time without warning. Although this type is uncommon it is caused by abnormalities in the urinary tract which may be congenital or resulting from childbirth, or from surgery such as hysterectomy and medical treatments such as radiation.
Bouts of incontinence can also be due to menopause, specifically hormonal imbalances. Producing less can cause the lining of the bladder to weaken, causing irreparable control of bladder movement. The older we get, the harder it is for us to hold back our urine - bladders get weaker and reaction times become slower.
Depending on the type of incontinence you are experiencing, your doctor may recommend from several types of treatment. Antibiotics are sometimes required to treat infection. Drugs can be taken that control abnormal bladder contractions or to create contraction in an over distended bladder.
Balancing your hormones with either HRT or natural, bioidentical replacement therapy can significantly relieve stress incontinence. And, of course there are the traditional pelvic floor exercises and kegels to strengthen the muscles surrounding the urethra and vagina. In more severe cases, surgery may be required or electrical stimulation of the muscles around the bladder. This is definitely one your need to work out with your doctor.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.

Cathy writes frequently on mid-life issues for women and men particularly menopause, and a copy of her book can be found at
To read a sample of this book go to

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Menopause and Weight Loss

During menopause, many women report that the challenge of weight loss becomes even more difficult. The need to lose weight haunts women most of the time, and now more men are reporting the same struggle. When women hit menopause, weight gathers around the waist and hips; despite our best efforts to diet and exercise.

What we know is that this additional body fat is linked to your hormones. Most women follow a conventional low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet with lots of processed foods. Eventually this diet creates a condition known as insulin resistance; see Dr. Schwarzbein's book on the book list. When you are insulin resistant, your body converts calories into fat even when you are dieting. Menopause feels like a losing battle, but it doesn't have to be.

When you are stressed, as the body typically is during menopause, stress hormones block weight loss. Despite adequate food, the body acts as if it's in a famine and stores all spare calories as fat.
This leads to a metabolic disorder called adrenal fatigue.

Many women combine a high-stress life with a low-fat, high-carb diet which creates a powerful hormonal imbalance which causes us to gain weight. Yo-yo dieting exacerbates the problem.
Also, when a woman is on a high-carb diet she is often barraged with a craving for sweets. The body can't maintain optimal blood sugar and serotonin levels, so you snack and drink caffeine to feel better. That makes your insulin resistance worse and the vicious cycle of gaining weight is accelerated.

During perimenopause, women lose estrogen which is an added factor to this problem. As estrogen decreases, the body needs extra fat resources. Other factors that play into this problem, are unresolved emotional issues, food sensitivities, digestive issues such as yeast, and even heavy metal toxicity.

So what do we do?

The most important step is to GET HEALTHY!

Follow an eating plan like the one in the Schwarzbein Principle or the Zone Diet

You need protein at every meal, low carbs, very little to no processed food, and lots of fruit and vegetables

Drink plenty of water

Take nutritional supplements

Try Supplements Designed for Menopause

Stop weighing yourself, use your clothes as a gauge (focus on your health not your weight)

Start exercising - walk 4-5 times a week for 30 minute (it boosts metabolism)

Get help for emotional eating - you have to face your fears to get through them

Reduce the stress in your life, make time for fun and relaxation - strive for BALANCE

Learn to love yourself during menopause and accept who you are and at what stage in life you find yourself

Menopause can make weight loss even more challenging for both women and men. But with the right knowledge and some hard work, it can be done.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.

Cathy writes frequently on mid-life issues for women and men particularly menopause, and a copy of her book can be found at
To read a sample of this book go to

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Dealing with the Blues: Your Mental State and Menopause

Going through menopause and suddenly feel like life's stresses have just become a thousand times more difficult to deal with? Find yourself crying at Oprah more than you used to, or worse, crying at reruns of the Flintstones? Finding that your cute 3-year-old nephew or granddaughter is suddenly well a little childish, making you irritable? Finding yourself depressed?

You're not alone, and it's not just a case of the blues. Menopause alters your core body chemistry, after all - and with that, the physiological ways in which you manage your emotions are also changed. However, there are a few simple ways in which you can stabilize what's going on in your head:

Get some sleep! Unfortunately, a common side effect of menopause is the inability to sleep, either due to night sweats or other aches and pains. For night sweats, lower your room temperature (even use the air conditioner year-round, if you must!), reduce your caffeine intake, and get some exercise. All of these things, of course, contribute to sleeping well throughout your life, but those who sleep soundly and deeply when approaching menopause are mentally better equipped to deal with stresses.

Watch what you eat! Let's face it - we all get a little down if we find ourselves sagging or having gained a few pounds, and in menopause, we don't metabolize calories as quickly as we did when we were younger. In general, eating more healthily, as well as reducing your daily calorie intake by 200 calories (about 1 candy bar) will not only keep you fit, but keep you from grabbing the Ben & Jerry's out of late-night-depression.

Talk to someone! Of course, if what you're feeling is beyond melancholia or "the blues," please speak to your doctor openly and honestly about what you're feeling. He or she may recommend a number of treatments, therapies, or even medications to get you through this difficult time.

Dawn M. Olsen is an Advocate for Better Womens Health through Education, Recipe Developer, Soy Food Enthusiast and the Author of "Menopause A to Z - A Definitive Guide to Modern Menopause available online now at

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Women???s Health Test ??? Is There an Early Signs of Menopause Test?

Yes, there is a free online women's health test from a leading women's health clinic. Why? As early as in their 30's and 40's, many women begin experiencing symptoms that make them wonder - can these be early signs of menopause?

What are common early signs of menopause? The most common symptoms include PMS, insomnia, fatigue, weight gain, loss of sex drive, hair loss or unwanted hair growth and fibroids. Some women have one or two of these symptoms while others may experience several symptoms at the same time. The result can be mildly irritating or it can be exhausting and overwhelming.

Menopause itself is not an illness but a natural process for a woman's body. There are normal changes in the reproductive system and cycle and ultimately, the reproductive system will cease to function. That is normal. However, certain menopause symptoms are indications of underlying hormonal imbalances or damage from poor eating habits, stress and other factors. And you may feel like you're the only woman to experience symptoms, but millions of women in the industrialized countries are going through the same experience many years before the average age of menopause, which is 51 years of age.

What happens so frequently is that women put enormous demands on their bodies ??? much more stress than it was designed to handle ??? and then do not give it the support it needs. Women likely have demanding and stressful careers. Women have families to take care of on a daily basis. The relationship with one's spouse or partner may not be the best. Aging parents may require help. These and other responsibilities add up in the toll taken on a woman's body.

And at the same time, the woman's body may not be receiving the support it needs to function as it was designed to do. Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, excess caffeine and alcohol add to the problem instead of helping the body cope with the demands placed on it.

This lack of balance between the "demands made" and "support given" is what gives rise to many symptoms. And are the health problems you are having related in any way? Very likely!

When taking the women's health and early signs of menopause test, here's what should be considered:

1. Which symptoms do you have? Certain symptoms are related to each other and are related to the same underlying causes. Knowing which symptoms you have is important information.

2. How mild or severe are your symptoms? Perhaps a symptom is "mild" and it's not a big deal. It may be "moderate to severe", meaning you can deal with it but it is a real problem. Or you may consider it "very severe", in other words, you can barely function because of it.

3. What are you demanding of your body? Are you frequently under stress? Do you not always eat when you should? What prescription drugs are you taking? What about the consumption of caffeine and alcohol?

4. What kind of support are you giving your body? What do you eat, do you exercise and are you taking a high-quality nutritional supplement?

5. What is your age? Your age is important, because you need to compare your health with other women your age.

By taking the online women's health test, you can find out more about your health, symptoms you may have, what those symptoms mean and what you can do about improving your health.

Copyright 2005 Olinda Rola

Olinda Rola is the President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of a website of physician-recommended natural solutions for a variety of health problems. Visit the website and learn more about ways for improving your health. She is the editor of the free newsletter ???Women???s Health Newsletter???. Go to subscribe.

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~ By Jan Tincher

Copyright Jan Tincher - All Rights reserved

Menopause . . . Boy, I didn't know if I knew how to spell it, let alone talk about it.

But you know what? Somebody's got to. It's not an easy subject, and I'm thinking it's a pretty safe bet that some of you have walked your fingers to the delete button.

Well, STOP! Husbands, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, special friends, whoever -- you have got to know about this too. Really . . .

You've seen the little kitchen signs that say, *If the cook ain't happy, nobody's happy!* You know how true that is.

Never, never think *Well, that's HER problem.* Because it's not.

We all need to help each other. That's just how it is in the universe. Shrugging and leaving the room isn't going to cut it anymore. If someone isn't happy, guess what? If we have it in ourselves to help them, we'd better.

It doesn't matter what the problem is, big or small. It doesn't matter if the person who is having the problem isn't talking to you. It doesn't matter if you don't think you can help at all. What matters is that you try. The quicker you all start handling things properly, the easier it will be for her. Really, what's wrong with turning the heat down or the air conditioner up -- as in all things in life, it's only temporary. You get the idea, right? If she broke her leg and was uncomfortable, you'd be doing these things for her, wouldn't you?

Now, here's what you can do, if you had a little *disagreement.* Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT leave the premises. You can go in the other room, but make little noises so it is known you ARE there for her if she needs you. You can go to that little quiet place within and ask for help in finding the right words to say or the right thing to do.

IF you absolutely feel that you would do more harm than good, stay in the little quiet place within until YOU feel the peace. That will make such a difference in the outcome. If you're thinking thoughts like *Why me? Why do I have to put up with this? Why can't SHE handle it on her own?* or anything anywhere near that, STOP. Take care of yourself until you are no longer saying those things. Find your peace, then help her with hers.

When it comes to menopause, we all need to know these facts:

This will go away, but maybe not soon.

This is not about YOU.

This is not something she should have to handle alone.

This is something that has to be addressed, in a sensible and loving way, and whatever is done is done with love.

And especially don't ask her in front of everyone if she's having a hot flash when it's 85 degrees in the shade, or something equally ridiculous. Do not make a mockery of this unless you know she can deal with being laughed at. We all know, chances are, she wouldn't handle it like
Mother Teresa would have.

Menopause. These could be the happiest years of her life. If the woman in your life is having difficulty, she needs your help. Be there for her. You won't regret it.

Thanks for reading.


P.S. If you'd like help with your relationships, you'll love having me as a mentor! To find out more about my great ecourse "RelationshipEcourse", click here:


Copyright 2004, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

DISCLAIMER: Jan Tincher and/or *Tame Your Brain!* do not guarantee or warrant that the techniques and strategies portrayed will work for everyone. The techniques and strategies are general in nature and may not apply to everyone. The techniques and strategies are not intended to substitute for obtaining medical advice from the medical profession. Always consult your own professionals before making any life-changing decisions.


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Jan Tincher, nationally recognized expert in Hypnotherapy & Neuro-Linguistic Programming, teaches strategies and techniques to help you live a better, happier life! She studied under Richard Bandler and Anthony Robbins, and has a successful practice in Forest City, Iowa. She is an award winning author, and you can read many of her articles at You can read what people say about her at

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The Advantages of Hormone Therapy to Menopause Women

Menopause is a change that any woman would undergo whether she likes it or not.
A woman can be considered menopause when her period ceases. There are changes
that occur in the womans body during menopause, like lesser production of
hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Women are considered menopause when
their menstruation stops for a period of 12 months in a row, the usual age for
women to menopause are ages 45 and 55 years old. Different women experience
different symptoms during menopause on the other hand some women may not feel
any symptoms at all. The usual symptoms accompanying a menopause are as follows:
changes in the period, hot flushes, night sweats as well as sleeping problems
that leads to stress and vaginal changes wherein the vagina may become dry and
thin thus making sex rather painful. Still other women experience thinning of
the bones that leads to loss of height and osteoporosis.

There are ways on how to lessen the effect of menopausal changes like taking
hormones or hormonal pills. These hormones or hormonal pills can reduce hot
flushes, treat vaginal dryness as well as slows down bone deterioration.
However, before taking any hormones or hormonal pills, women should try to visit
their doctors first for a complete checkup in order to get the right kind of
hormones or hormonal pills that would best suit them. Like any medicine,
hormones or hormonal pills have risks and benefits. Hormones or hormonal pills
are not advisable for women who are pregnant, have problems with vaginal
bleeding, have cancers, have or had a stroke or heart attack in the past year,
have blood clots and have liver disease.

The use of hormones or hormonal pills is part of a hormone therapy for women who
are undergoing menopause. In addition, hormone therapy is also termed as hormone
replacement therapy (HRT). Hormone therapy for menopausal women reduces the
effect of menopause in women. Hormone therapy is considered to be one of the
most effective relief for various menopausal symptoms. Hormones also reduces the
chance for women to have osteoporosis. Aside from that, hormone therapy able
women to have an active sex life since it help in the production of vaginal
lubrication. The most common hormones given to women who are undergoing
menopause are estrogen or estrogen with progestin which is another hormone.
Hormones or hormonal pills should be taken at the lowest dose as possible and as
much as possible to be taken only for a short period.

For additional information and comments about the article, you may log on to

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Menopause and Mood Swings

Menopause equals mood swings. You know, where the slightest request from your husband can cause you to go off. Or perhaps the cries of your child for a new Playstation game makes you lose it. Mood swings, which can trigger the sudden onset of crying, play a significant role in the menopause game and are often one of the first things women notices that causes her to suspect perimenopause. Characteristics of menopausal mood changes include extreme irritability, concentrated anxiety, depression, indifference (neutral feeling to both good and bad situations), and nervousness.

Menopause and mood swings work together because changes in hormonal levels (most notably, progesterone and estrogen levels) take place. For one, hormone levels may affect the level of serotonin (the emotional chemical) in the brain, causing depressive symptoms. Women often times feel insecure and irrelevant about themselves and their current roles, contributing more to feelings of worthlessness.

Other factors that trigger mood swings in menopause sufferers are the symptoms they face. Tinnitus (whooshing and ringing sensations in the ear due to nerve damage as a result of aging & hearing loss), incontinence (abnormal bladder behavior), and hot flashes also add on to the overall crankiness a menopausal woman can face. And of course, low levels of serotonin, and lack of progesterone production that relieve stress levels, can lead to the sudden onset of crying a definite disadvantage to any woman under this condition.

Mood swings can be drastically reduced by following a course of action such as a weekly exercise regimen. Exercise, specifically meditation and yoga, has been proven to relieve mood swings. Besides, it is the ultimate anti-aging activity women who exercise well into their sixties report looking and feeling younger. Another objective is to have a steady social support group to turn to. Menopause sufferers will find soothing words by their family and friends a positive contributor to their overall well-being.

The third course of action is to follow the right diet. Caffeine loaded drinks like coffee and soda will not work for you: it will only excite you leading to restless sleep making you cranky throughout the night. Drink certain teas that increase serotonin levels in the brain, like passionflower and chamomile, will also relax and provide for blissful sleep.

Grab the milk bottle in the refrigerator and warm it up tryptophan, a component found in warm milk, is known to increase serotonin in the brain as well. A multivitamin and mineral supplement may also help load your body with the right nutrients, balancing things out. So, avoid menopause mayhem and eliminate mood swings and the sudden onset of crying by following the above advice feel refreshed mentally and emotionally for a better day.

Cathy Taylor is a marketing consultant with over 25 years experience. She specializes in internet marketing, strategy and plan development, as well as management of communications and public relations programs for small business sectors. She can be reached at Creative Communications: or by visiting www.menopauseinfo.orgor

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Changes During a Woman's Menopause

As baby boomers move into midlife, a woman's menopause does not have quite the alarming effect that it did some years ago. However, it remains a time of change in her life, as the ovaries start shutting down causing hormones to fluctuate. When this occurs, her childbearing years come to an end. A woman's menopause is a perfectly normal process that occurs over several years, but the physical and emotional changes associated with this "change of life" will vary from woman to woman. Some women experience symptoms that include hot flashes, mood swings, memory difficulties, vaginal dryness, and insomnia, while other women experience no symptoms whatsoever.

Too often, women even confuse natural aging changes with menopause. The few symptoms actually associated with menopause can usually be handled with a few minor lifestyle changes. Contrary to what most women have heard about menopause, it can be an exciting and challenging time. All women should know that they will experience menopause at some point in their life, whether it be premature or natural menopause. So many times, it is easy to blame other factors on menopause but it should be understood that not all symptoms a woman experiences are necessarily related to menopause. For instance, a number of women will undergo a different stresses in midlife, causing moodiness and anxiety, but these factors do not mean that a woman's menopause causes depression.

There is a myth that most women will lose their desire for sex during the menopausal years when in fact, the midlife years can be a time of enhanced sexual desire because of the freedom from having to use birth control and concerns over possible pregnancy. If a woman experiences vaginal dryness or painful intercourse, lubricants or creams can be used. A woman's desire for sex usually has more to do with feelings for her partner than with her body's hormonal changes. Another factor that might be blamed on a woman's menopause is weight gain, but some women may actually lose weight. It is important to be wise, eating healthy food and exercising regularly to maintain optimal health.

A couple of important things for women to remember while going through this time in her life is that she should be open in her communication by sharing thoughts and concerns about the changes in her body and mind. Open communication helps bring couples closer instead of creating distance. Another consideration in helping a woman feel better about going through the change of life is to connect with female friends, reminiscing about the past and possible changes to be made in the future. Additionally, women going through menopause need proper sleep. If she has trouble going to sleep, she could try taking a hot shower before bedtime or drinking a glass of warm milk or a glass of wine (just one). Even an occasional sleeping pill is recommended if nothing else seems to work, but only when recommended by her doctor.

Maintaining optimal health by eating healthy and exercising regularly is important for anyone not just for a woman going through menopause. Some other suggested ideas include dressing in layers during the winter and cooler clothing during the summer for hot flashes. As mentioned earlier, not all women will have the same menopause process, so if a woman is experiencing symptoms that are uncomfortable or if she is just plain curious, she should consult her doctor. The doctor can perform a blood test for FSH levels to determine if a woman's menopause is nearing. Menopause is the doorway to a new life, closing one chapter in life and moving on.

About The Author

Dawn M. Olsen is an Advocate for Better Womens Health through Education, Recipe Developer, Soy Food Enthusiast and the Author of "Menopause A to Z - A Definitive Guide to Modern Menopause available online now at

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All You Wanted To Know About Menopause and Its Prevention

Menopause occurs when a women stops ovulating and her periods ceases. Most women reach menopause between 45 and 55 years, with an average age around 50. But about 1% reaches it before 40, which is known as premature menopause or premature ovarian failure.

For women in their teens and 20’s the loss of their fertility is devastating. They will also experience a long period of postmenopausal life, and hormonal replacement therapy may be advised.


Menstrual cycle changes Changes in the bleeding pattern Hot flushes Sweats Urinary problems such as incontinence or increased frequency of urination. Dry vagina Mood changes Weight changes etc

Are some of the basic symptoms.


We can prevent early Menopause, by preventing unwanted surgeries, of the uterus or the ovaries unless there is strong indication for their removal. Such Surgeries can lead to autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid disorders. Conserving even a single ovary can help in preventing the onset menopause.

Urban women have access to information or counseling, but unfortunately the women in rural areas of Asia have no such knowledge. The good news for those who would like to rule out doubts about the onset of menopause will soon be available in the form of LH Kits ( Leutinizing hormone ) to check their ovulation especially used with infertility patients. While stress cannot be over emphasized, it has a role in temporary or prolonged cessation of periods.


Generally early menopause too is treated in a similar way as menopause itself, through HRT ( Hormone Replacement Therapy ), life style modification,calcium and good nutrition.

HRT – It must be borne in mind that an extensive study shows that HRT is not a protection against heart diseases as was believed before and infact not quite the “happy pill” – that women had thought is given up to the age of menopause.

About The Author

Venkata Ramana is a Fitness Enthusiast and a Professional Body Builder. Visit his and websites and gain maximum Information to stay fit and healthy.

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Menopause and Progesterone

Do women going through menopause have lowered levels of progesterone?

Recent research tells us that women do suffer from decreased levels of progesterone and also experience other symptoms such as unexplained weight gain (particularly in the stomach area), depression, fatigue, hair loss, memory loss, mood swings, migraines and loss of libido. A natural cream can balance estrogens without side effects.

Progesterone and estrogen are the two main hormones made by womens ovaries when they are menstruating. Smaller amounts of these hormones are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It's necessary for the survival of the fertilized ovum, its embryo as well as the fetus during gestation.

Progesterone's primary functions include: acting as a precursor to estrogen and testosterone; it maintains uterine lining and aids in gestation; protects against fibrocystic breasts, endometrial and breast cancer; acts as a natural diuretic, helps use fat for energy; can be a natural antidepressant; aids thyroid hormone action; normalizes blood clotting; restores sex drive; normalizes blood sugar, zinc and copper levels; restores proper cell oxygen levels, has a thermogenic effect; builds bone and helps to protects against osteoporosis.

Some doctors feel that menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis and heart disease may not be due to a deficiency of estrogen, but to a relative estrogen excess due to progesterone deficiency.

Synthetic progestins, such as an HRT drug called Provera (a synthetic chemical), do not have the same biological effects as natural progesterone and have been known to cause side effects including: fluid retention, depression, breast tenderness, stroke, jaundice, blood clotting and cervical erosions.

On the other hand, natural progesterone has no known side effects and has been found to be helpful in alleviating symptoms such as PMS and hot flashes. It has also been credited with helping to prevent osteoporosis.

Many doctors now prescribe for women in menopause the use of a low-dose, natural progesterone cream during the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle. The cream is easily absorbed into thin-skin areas such as the breasts, inner arms, neck or belly by the subcutaneous fat and then released into the bloodstream. You should be careful of the dosage level in these products. Some may have none to very little and others provide 20-30 mg in an average application. It's always best to first check with a doctor.

About The Author

Cathy Taylor is a marketing consultant with over 25 years experience. She specializes in internet marketing, strategy and plan development, as well as management of communications and public relations programs for small business sectors. She can be reached at Creative Communications: or by visiting or

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Menopause and Osteoporosis

We know that our bodies require calcium and vitamin D in order to build and maintain powerful bones. According to his recent book entitled, Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis, by Dr. Alan Gaby, it takes more vitamins than we think to prevent brittle bones including Vitamins K and B; as well as minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, silica and boron.

The idea is to provide enough combined supplementation for our bodies to make an abundance of healthy collagen which is the connective tissue used to create cartilage and bones. Collagen also binds our cells together and as a result, someone with good collagen has healthy looking skin whereas another will have thin and wrinkled skin.

A healthy bone cut in half looks similar to a sponge. The body deposits calcium, phosphorus and other minerals onto all of those connective fibers and you get healthy bones! The holes give the bone its flexibility, and you wont have healthy bones if you dont have plenty of collagen on which to deposit the minerals.

Collagen is primarily a protein which is made from amino acids. Our bodies can create some of our requirements but we also need additional amounts from our foods and supplements including lysine and praline. Vitamin C is also required to create collagen.

Now we know how bones can be made stronger, but how is this process affected by menopause? The loss of estrogen due to menopause or possibly surgical removal of the ovaries can accelerate bone loss for a period of up to 8 years. It is well established that replacing that estrogen helps protect against the risk of osteoporosis.

More often, womens bones become fragile as we age and its not uncommon to break bones in the wrist, spine and hip due to osteoporosis. Unfortunately, a fracture such as in the hip, can even shorten our life span so it is important to pay attention to our bone health.

What should be done to prevent osteoporosis from happening after menopause?

First of all, eat the foods that are calcium-rich (about 1,000 mg per day) and can enhance bone growth including: sardines, salmon, seafood, and green leafy vegetables such as swiss chard, beet tops, kale, mustard greens, collards, spinach, dandelion greens, watercress, parsley, chicory, turnip greens, broccoli leaves, almonds, asparagus, blackstrap molasses, broccoli, cabbage, carob, figs, filberts, oats, prunes, sesame seeds, tofu and other soy products.

Vitamin D-rich foods include fish oils such as found in salmon, mackerel, sardines), eggs (including the yolks), sweet potatoes, tuna, vegetable oils and cod liver oil. Getting 15-20 minutes of sunlight exposure daily can also boost production of vitamin D.

Exercise is crucial; in particular, you need weight-bearing exercise such as walking, Tai chi, dancing and weight training to reduce the chances of brittle bones at least two times a week. Include 15 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity two to three times a week. Avoid high-impact activities and include stretching exercises.

Finally, use high-quality supplements prescribed by your doctor or health-care provider, and oh yeah, dont forget to have fun.

About The Author

Cathy Taylor is a marketing consultant with over 25 years experience. She specializes in internet marketing, strategy and plan development, as well as management of communications and public relations programs for small business sectors. She can be reached at Creative Communications: or by visiting or

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Menopause and Loss

As reported by numerous females, menopause, the final stage in the cycle of female menstruation, contributes to a significant loss of libido. One of the more common complaints from women (and their partners) is the loss of sexual desire and drive. This absence disrupts the sexual lives of countless couples, and therapy is often sought after as an answer to this problem. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss causes, external factors such as physical pain that prevents sexual intercourse, solutions for restoring estrogens, and life situations menopausal women face that contribute to their hormonal causes for libido failure (i.e. body image.)

The period before menopause is known as the pre- or perimenopause period when some loss of libido occurs. The hormone called progesterone is responsible for this downfall and is key to causing a resulting hormonal imbalance. Remember, the job of hormones is to regulate certain processes in the body. An insufficiency in hormones disrupts this balance and creates problems. Loss of libido is not restricted to having a lack of sexual desire. Vaginal dryness and discomfort can force women to avoid having sex altogether. Creams and gels are used to combat this problem. The emotional changes associated with menopause can also affect sexual desires, as women often feel overly aggressive, irritable, and sometimes depressed mental conditions that require peace time instead of hot and heaviness.

Estrogen is the primary sex hormone in a woman. As discussed earlier, a loss of estrogen leads to a loss of sexual desire. Remember, women also produce testosterone (in low levels), and testosterone is also responsible for promoting sexual drive. Lack of energy and depression occur because of these decreased levels, plummeting libido to close to non-existent. In order to restore libido, hormone therapy is highly recommended. Doctors can prescribe testosterone in a liquid form to keep you alert and increase what youve lost. There are gels and creams (such as Alura) designed to directly stimulate the clitoris. These creams often leave you with a tingling feeling that can help you achieve multiple orgasms.

There are over the counter medications out there that combat loss of libido. There are progesterone creams with bio-synthetic qualities that restore safe amounts of progesterone in the body to increase sex drive. There is also something called Phytoestrogen Cream that help balance the levels of available amounts of estrogen in the body and provide homeostasis when there are plummeting estrogen levels.

There are other things that affect menopausal womens level of libido. Not all women have the same levels of sexual drive. For example, 65-year-old women who have already undergone menopause are more likely to have less sexual desire than 49 year old women who has just finished the final stages of their menstruation.

Menopause also affects the way women look at themselves in terms of body. Distorted views on body shape during menopause, when thought is greatly affected, can also decrease the desire for sex. If a woman is taking medicine for depression during this period, her libido can increase more than someone off the drug. Outside factors such as work-related stress, can also determine libido levels in a woman and usually require a shift in perspective to regain balance. In a lot of ways, menopause is a reshaping of who we are and what we want out of life.

About The Author

Cathy Taylor is a marketing consultant with over 25 years experience. She specializes in internet marketing, strategy and plan development, as well as management of communications and public relations programs for small business sectors. She can be reached at Creative Communications: or by visiting or

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Menopause and Women's Health

Couples going through menopause often have unique struggles when coping with the new changes and challenges it brings to them both as individuals, and as partners. It is an inner battle mentally and physically for not just women, but men as well. For women, it may be hard to get a male partner to understand and be able to empathise with her challenges. But both sexes go through a form of menopause, and this transition is disruptive and even scary, and a certain level of understanding and communication is required for any one to have a quality relationship at this stage of life.

Nancy Cetel talks about many of the changes couples experience in her book Double Menopause, and what often happens is that emotions, including past hurts, hopes, dreams, etc., that may have been buried or unexpressed in the past, can no longer hidden. It cant be helped the truth will not be held back any longer. For some women, that shows up in pent up aggression that is taken out on a male partner by pushing him away and/or making him unable to relate to you on a physical level. Men need to know that the loss of desire for sex may be caused from the hormonal changes, but there might also be an emotional element that needs to be dealt with.

It is advisable that men in menopause couples acquaint themselves with the effects of menopause, in themselves and their partners, in order to better understand the changes their relationship is going through. Men soon realize that hormonal imbalances are causing unwanted emotional symptoms in women that could lead to verbal spats every now and then. Men need to be aware that emotional changes are likely to occur and that they are not to blame for them but that their partner may require extra attention, love and outward expressions of caring more now than ever before.

Men need to understand that their sexual drives could also have changed as they experience a slower loss of testosterone. To keep sexual interest, partners may need to put more time and attention into the quality of their sex lives and update themselves on what things turn them on at this stag of the game.

Men need to know that a decrease in estrogen in their lovers bodies can significantly alter how she thinks and feels about sex. In addition, vaginal discomfort and thinning of the lining of the vagina can make sex painful so it will not be enjoyable for either of them until they find a solution for this.

More than ever this is a critical time for couples to communicate more about the changes they are both experiencing. Christian Northrup talks about reversing roles as couples go through this transition in her book the Wisdom of Menopause. Men often lose a lot of the aggression that once fueled their younger years and they are happier to stay home and engage in more nuturing activities, that they never paid attention to before, such as cooking. Women, on the other hand, may want to venture out into the world and pursue a long-thought about career. They become more aggressive and passionate about accomplishing things. In this way, the couple almost switch roles in the relationship.

Talking a lot, expressing ideas, and bonding with one another again becomes critical during this transition. Men need to know what is happening to their women on a day-to-day basis, and visa versa. Women want men to cheer them on as they undergo significant changes including dealing with physical discomfort, hormonal imbalances, and possibly venturing out into the career world for the first time!

Men need to know that sex isnt going away totally. Explore sexual alternatives and realize that having less sex is not the end of the world! Experiment with vibrators, and oral sex, if you havent already as these are fine alternatives and to maintain a healthy sex life. Women love toys as much as guys do. Menopause might mean taking more time for foreplay for some women. Get into a habit of communicating your needs to each other and learn to enjoy the changes instead of fighting against them.

The most important thing is that husbands provide a social network for their menopausal wives to rely on. Realize that menopause is only a phase, albeit the end of the old and the beginning of a new one, and its possible to adjust to the changes by remaining aware. By staying informed of each others thoughts and feelings and becoming tolerant and understanding to the emotional pains women can go through, menopause couples can overcome most difficulties. And, who knows, you might like the new person you wake up to better! Think of it as another adventure.

About The Author

Cathy Taylor is a marketing consultant with over 25 years experience. She specializes in internet marketing, strategy and plan development, as well as management of communications and public relations programs for small business sectors. She can be reached at Creative Communications: or by visiting or

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Menopause Symptoms, Diet, Exercises, Weight Gain: Tips to Sail through Menopause with Ease!

Menopause literally means the last menstrual period. It generally occurs in mid-life, that is around the age of 40. It is characterized by hormonal changes. Menstrual cycle stops and so does the production of some hormones like estrogen. Menopausal women often experiences weight gain along with weakening of bones.

Post menopause, women have have higher risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases because of the inherent hormonal changes. Hot flushes with sudden bouts of sweating are commonly felt by women. Other Symptoms being failing eyesight, hair loss, weak bones, dry skin and erratic sleep patterns. The key to staying youthful and active even after menopause is to follow regular exercise routine and a nutritious diet.

Regular Exercise Routine :

Going in for an exercise program which addresses the entire body is always beneficial. Even exercises like walking, swimming, jogging, dancing are useful. To get a complete cardio workout, involve yourself in some aerobic exercise. You can also hit a gym for some weight training which will increase your strength. Training with dumbbells at home, but under guidance, can serve the purpose for you. It is important to stretch and relax too. Relaxation helps you overcome depression related to menopause. Exercise will also combat weight gain which a women generally experiences during menopause. Yoga is the most effective way to work out. it not only keeps your body active but also keeps your mind stress-free.

Balanced Diet:

Other important issue to handle the most difficult stage for women is to eat a balanced diet with little add-ons. Diet should be particularly high in Calcium and Phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring compounds, similar to estrogens, found in plants. Phytoestrogens can be easily found in soya and tofu. Diet high in phytoestrogens reduces the hot flush by 40%. This is the reason why Japanese women face less severe menopausal symptoms than their western counterparts. Recommended amount: 10-15g of tofu or 2 cups of soya milk. Dairy products, which are high in Calcium, also reduces bone loss to great extent. Recommended amount: 1000gm. Since Vitamin D promotes the consumption of calcium, it is essential to provide enough amount of vitamin D to body. Normal exposure to sun should provide the body with right amount of vitamin D.

--> Learn more about balanced diet here at

Since drop in estrogen can lead to weight gain, it is wise to undertake some weight loss program to avoid complexities later in life such as diabetes, joint pains, heart-related diseases.

It is also believed that some vitamins are beneficial, specially during perimenopause. For eg Vitamin E relieves hot flushes, Vitamin B2 alleviates perimenopausal headaches, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 help fight depression.

Tip: If you find having sex uncomfortable due to thinning and drying of vaginal lining, use a water based lubricant.

About the Author

Ashley Green: for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

To learn how to combat menopause weight gain and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various health issues at Menopause Symptom and Weight Gain

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Copyright Ashley Green -

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Menopause Symptoms Herbal Remedies

Menopause is a natural occurrence for women and it is something which every woman will face at some point in her life. Fortunately, studies have been done in order to provide herbal treatments and remedies for women going through this stage. Herbal remedies, as controversial as they are, can potentially provide positive effects for women experiencing menopausal symptoms. Here are some common menopausal symptoms and the best form of herbal remedy associated with each:

Hot Flashes - Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms for women during menopause. Hot flashes can last up to 6 minutes and can potentially occur several times within one day.

Herbal Remedy Black Cohosh (also known as squaw root, black snake root or rattle weed) has been studied and is proven as a reputable treatment for hot flashes.

Insomnia Many women experiencing menopausal symptoms also have difficulty sleeping. If you suffer from sleeplessness on a regular basis, you probably suffer from chronic insomnia.

Herbal Remedies Kava (or Kawa) is used throughout the world as a remedy for anxiety and insomnia. Other remedies proven effective for treating insomnia and sleeplessness are Valerian root and HOPS.

Depression and Mood Swings Although most people joke about women becoming depressed and moody during menopause, these symptoms are very serious and if not treated properly can become dangerous and harmful.

Herbal Remedy St. John's Wart (also known as goat weed) has proven to be an affective antidepressant in reversing the feelings of depression which many menopausal women experience.

Abnormal Hair Growth Abnormal hair growth (also called hirsuitism) is perhaps one of the most embarrassing symptoms for women suffering from menopause. Abnormal hair growth can occur anywhere, although above the upper lip is usually a common target.

Herbal Remedy Saw Palmetto (also known as Serenoa repens or windmill palm) is used for treating men with enlarged prostates as well as for women who are experiencing abnormal hair growth during menopause.

Menopause is a difficult time for every woman, but every woman must face it at some point. Approaching menopause with a positive attitude has been proven to reduce the likeliness of some menopausal symptoms like depression and anxiety. Researching remedies and treatments is the best way to prepare for this stage of your life. This way, when it does happen, you're aware of what to expect and the best ways to deal with it.

Caren Killtral found out the hard way that Menopause can hit a woman with force even earlier than most expect. She has spent several years learning all she can to help not only her own symptoms, but other women going through menopause as well. She works as a contributing editor for

Copyright Caren Killtral -

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How To Live With Menopause

How do you feel when entering menopause? Do you think you can live with menopause? It seems a woman in menopause faces physical changes and new emotional realities. Are you also feeling the same? Do you feel stress and uncertain with what happen to your body?

Although Eastern and Western disciplines disagree in the interpretations of stress response and their prescriptions for how to deal with it, recognition has grown in both disciplines that body and mind are intertwined, working together or against each other.

The Western interpretation is based on research into the "flight or fight response," first identified by Dr. Walter Cannon in the 1930's. In response to threat, the body's sympathetic nervous system goes into action. The adrenal gland pumps out more epinephrine, which speeds up the heart rate and constricts blood vessels. The breathing rate increases, and the blood coagulation system is activated so that blood will clot more quickly in case of injury. For the earliest ancestors, these responses gave the body the jump start it needed to flee from a menacing animal or enemy or to stand and fight thus the label "fight or flight." Accumulated stress can literally make you sick.

In Eastern philosophies, practitioners believe that such stress causes the body to build up certain toxins that must be released or they will block energy flow throughout the body.

While most of us associate negative stress with harmful body changes, it's also possible to "stress out" with too much good news.

Whatever it is, those both interpretations are related to our body. Sure you don't want to get weak body because of stress while you live with menopause. Therefore here are some checklists you need to do while you live with menopause:

1. Life has become visibly more complicated. Don't feel that you have to do everything and do decide what critically needs to be accomplished. Think about your values and write down those that really matter to you. What is most important? Spending time with family? Accumulating great wealth? Achieving powerful influence? Acquiring possessions? Expressing yourself? Learning new ideas? Experiencing adventure and travel? Maintaining excellent health? Socializing with friends? Contributing to the community? You can't do them all. Cut out activities that aren't consistent with your core values.

2. Carry a smaller wallet or purse. Start by cleaning out the one you've got. Get rid of unnecessary credit cards and other clutter that you don't use regularly.

3. Stop checking up on your financial portfolio every day. Most people invest for the long term. Checking your results daily adds to stress and might lead to expensive and unnecessary changes.

4. Make time for yourself. Set aside time each day to reflect quietly, go for a walk, plan for your future or meditate. Visit the park instead of the mall.

5. Cut back on debt. Consolidate your different debts into one and pay it off. Put your credit cards in a spot where you won't be able to use them until you're debt-free. Track your expenses for a month, then cut back your spending on items you don't need. For instance, pack a lunch rather than buying one at work. Mix and match your outfits rather than constantly buying new ones.

6. Consider renting a vacation home rather than buying. You won't be burdened by time (and money) spent in maintenance. Also, this allows you to visit a different spot each year.

7. Plan time for a vacation every year. Some people claim "I haven't had a vacation in three years" as if it was a badge of courage. It isn't.

8. Cut back on your children's planned activities. If they have to use a time planner to schedule their activities, and you spend all of your time taxiing them around, they're probably too busy.

9. Live closer to your work so you don't have to drive.

10. Take a moment each day to be grateful.

About The Author:
Alicia Simpson is a mother and housewife who experience menopause. Her new guide book: Menopause without Stress. You can find more about her experience on menopause at and

Copyright Alicia Simpson -

How to overcome your "Obstacles".graham and julie I realised that I really created my own obstacles in life, and if I just got out of the way of myself and let my mind not hold me back, I could do things I never thought I could." (Hilary Swank, as reported in the Sunday Times)

Hilary Swank puts her breathtaking performance in Million Dollar Baby down to the way Clint Eastwood was able to get her to relax and stop her interfering with her natural ability to create such an awesome character.

What about you? How do you interfere with your natural ability. How do you stop yourself from progressing? What do you say to yourself that ensures you stay within a safe arena? In Hilary Swank's words what is your "obstacle" to success in your life.

For most of us our obstacle is the same as Hilary Swank's. It is our mind. The way we were raised. The area we lived in. The schools we went to. The education we received or not as the case may be. The first jobs we had. The people we idolised in our youth and in later life. All give us a way of being.

Think for a moment. What do you now do that can be traced back to your past. Have you ever said anything and a sibling or member of your family immediately responded "You sound just like."? If you have then you have just met an "obstacle" That thought was not a new thought. It is not even one of your thoughts. It is a response to a stimulus. It is a learned behaviour. A behaviour that isn't yours it is someone else's and you copied it. It is well and truly an "obstacle"

This is a small example but one that can be identified quickly. How many, other hidden behaviours do you have that are a carbon copy of someone else. All these "obstacles" ensure that you are kept in your place'.

Have you ever thought to yourself;" I would like to do that" and quickly another thought enters your mind, "but I don't think so". The thought that comes says, "It is embarrassing" or "my (mother) wouldn't like it"or whatever your excuse is. It is this that Hilary Swank is talking about. Your mind is holding you back.

How do you progress?

Kathy Sierra, the well known author of bestseller Head First books, says you just need to overcome your brains "Crap Filter". That area of your brain that stops you moving forward.

How do you do it.?

Do exactly as Hilary Swank says Stop Thinking.
Exploit what your mind thinks is important.. Your Feelings.

Instead of following a path that is run by your head and what you think you ought to do. Go with your feelings. Do what you feel is right. Don't let your mind hold you back. Awaken your feelings. The stronger your feelings towards a particular action the more you overcome the filter on your brain and now you have overcome your obstacle.

How do you know you have the right feeling? How do you know you are on the right path?


When you are on the correct path and doing what is right for you. You feel great.
Everything appears to be in synch. You may be doing something for hours and it feels like minutes. Your face is all aglow. You are really enjoying yourself. In a nutshell you stop evaluating what you are doing and have started to do things you never thought were possible. You are performing naturally, everything is "right".

Don't just accept what we say. Try it. Imagine for a moment that you are Hilary Swank. You have been given this great opportunity. You have the knowledge, you have done the research. Everything that can be prepared has been prepared. Now let go of your learned thinking and let your natural talent emerge. Go on you've got nothing to lose.

You now know how to overcome your obstacle.

Good Luck.

Graham and Julie

To improve your intuition, initiative and energy levels please go to:
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